Plaque Forming Unit (PFU) معايرة وتشخيص الأصابة الفيروسية Titration and diagnostic assays of Viral infection معايرة الروائف Plaque assay - Titer - Purification Plaque Forming Unit (PFU)
معايرة الروائف Plaque assay
معايرة التحول Transformation assay Non - CPE معايرة وتشخيص الأصابة الفيروسية Titration and diagnostic assays of Viral infection معايرة الروائف Plaque assay - Titer - Purification Plaque Forming Unit (PFU) معايرة التحول Transformation assay Non - CPE Focal assay - Foci Focus - Forming unit (FFU) Oncogenic RNA virus
Agglutination/Hemagglutination Definition - tests that have as their endpoint the agglutination of a particulate antigen Agglutinin/hemagglutinin Y + Qualitative agglutination test Ag or Ab
معايرة التلزن الدموي Hemagglutination assay Influenza, Measles RBC+ V Lattice (+) RBC No (-) Virus titer (HAU) معايرة تثبيط التلزن الدموي Hemagglutination inhibition assay Ab- Titer
Agglutination/Hemagglutination Quantitative agglutination test Titer Prozone (HAU) 1/2 1/4 1/8 1/16 1/32 1/64 1/128 1/256 1/512 1/1024 Pos. Neg. Titer 64 8 512 <2 32 128 4 Patient 1 2 3 5 6 7
Ab- Titer RBC+ V Lattice (+) RBC No (-) Virus titer معايرة التلزن الدموي Hemagglutination assay Influenza, Measles RBC+ V Lattice (+) RBC No (-) Virus titer (HAU) معايرة تثبيط التلزن الدموي Hemagglutination inhibition assay Ab- Titer
معايرة تثبيت المكمل (مرافق ) Complement Fixation Test (CFT) (+) , (-) of -Ab Ag/ Ab- comp Fixed RBC no Lysis (+) Ag - comp Not Fixed RBC Lysis (-) إختبار التعادل Neutralization Test Ab - Titer Serotyping TCID50: Tissue Culture Infectious Dose
Complement Fixation Y Methodology Ag No Ag Ag mixed with test serum to be assayed for Ab Standard amount of complement is added Erythrocytes coated with Abs is added Amount of erythrocyte lysis is determined Ag No Ag Ag Y Patient’s serum Ag Y
Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assays (ELISA) Lattice formation not required
ELISA for Ab Y Quantitative Ab detection Immobilize Ag Solid Phase Y Ag Immobilized Ab in Patient’s sample Labeled Anti-Ig Ab detection Immobilize Ag Incubate with sample Add labeled anti-Ig Amount of labeled Ab bound is proportional to amount of Ab in the sample Quantitative
ELISA for Ag Y Quantitative Ag detection Immobilize Ab Incubate with sample Add labeled antibody Amount of labeled Ab bound is proportional to the amount of Ag in the sample Solid Phase Y Ag Immobilized Ag in Patient’s sample Labeled Ab Quantitative
Tests for Cell Associated Antigens Lattice formation not required Tests for Cell Associated Antigens
Immunofluorescence Direct Y Ab to tissue Ag is labeled with fluorochrome Ag Y Fluorochrome Labeled Ab Tissue Section
Immunofluorescence Y Qualitative to Semi-Quantitative Indirect Ab to tissue Ag is unlabeled Fluorochrome-labeled anti-Ig is used to detect binding of the first Ab. Ag Y Fluorochrome Labeled Anti-Ig Tissue Section Unlabeled Ab Qualitative to Semi-Quantitative
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) Nucleic acid detection polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
الطريقة الفيزيائية Physical Method ELISA, HA, EM …etc Infectious + Non infectious particles الطريقة الحيوية Biological Method Plaque assay , TCID50….etc Infectious particles