GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition Year 10 – Week 1 www.illuminate.digital/aqafood Student Username: SSTANTHONYS3 Student Password: STUDENT3 What do you want to learn from this course? Why is it important to you? What are our expectations? Why is this important? Think Pair Share @DHFSFoodTech food@dronfield.derbyshire.sch.uk
Year 10 – How will I be assessed? Examination (1 hour 45 mins) Paper 1: Food preparation and nutrition Multiple choice questions (20 marks) Five questions each with a number of sub questions (80 marks) What's assessed: Theoretical knowledge of food preparation and nutrition from: Food, nutrition and health Food science Food safety Food choice Food provenance This is worth 50% of the GCSE Non-exam assessment (controlled assessment) What's assessed: Task 1: Food investigation Students' understanding of the working characteristics, functional and chemical properties of ingredients. Practical investigations are a compulsory element of this NEA task. Task 2: Food preparation assessment Students' knowledge, skills and understanding in relation to the planning, preparation, cooking, presentation of food and application of nutrition related to the chosen task. Students will prepare, cook and present a final menu of three dishes within a single period of no more than three hours, planning in advance how this will be achieved. How it's assessed Task 1: Written or electronic report (1,500–2,000 words) including photographic evidence of the practical investigation. Task 2: Written or electronic portfolio including photographic evidence. Photographic evidence of the three final dishes must be included. This is worth 50% of the GCSE
You will be continually assessed:– Written work including homework GCSE – How will I be assessed? You will be continually assessed:– Written work including homework Practical work – a graded mark focussing on skill, independence, organisation, hygiene and safety.
8-9 6-7 4-5 2-3 1 GCSE – How will I be assessed? Practical Grade Description 8-9 Competently executes a wide range of complex technical skills and processes to an excellent standard in the making of the dishes. Selects and uses appropriate equipment with precision and accuracy. The dishes show a high level of demand, complexity and challenge. The dishes include a wide range of finishing techniques such as garnishing and decoration eg piping. All dishes are accurately presented with attention to detail and finished to an excellent standard. Excellent evidence of time management. All dishes produced very successfully within the time limits. The student shows excellent application of food safety principles. 6-7 Competently executes a range of technical skills, including some complex skills to a very good standard in the making of the dishes. Selects and uses appropriate equipment accurately. The dishes show complexity and challenge. The dishes show a range of appropriate finishing techniques and are presented to a very good standard. Very good evidence of time management. All dishes were produced successfully within the time limits. The student shows very good application of food safety principles. 4-5 Executes technical skills and processes to a good standard in the making of the dishes. Selects and uses appropriate equipment with some accuracy. The dishes show some demand and challenge. The dishes show some appropriate finishing techniques such as garnishing and decoration and are presented to a good standard. Good evidence of time management. All dishes were produced within the time limits. 2-3 Executes technical skills and processes with some inaccuracies in the making of the dishes. For the majority of the processes appropriate equipment selected and used with some accuracy. Dishes show some demand but limited level of skill. The dishes include some finishing techniques but lack of consideration related to some of the presentation. Satisfactory attempt to follow timings with adequate application of food safety principles. 1 Limited/basic technical skills and processes used with inaccurate outcomes in the making of the dishes. Some attempt to select appropriate equipment. The dishes lack demand and include mainly basic skills. The dishes are of a basic standard with a lack of appropriate finish and presentation. No evidence of time management – constant reminders needed Constant support to stay safe with food.
Task Think – pair – share What do we know about personal hygiene and kitchen hygiene? In your exercise books Record the whole class responses Student Book Links - Read Micro organisms p158–164 In your exercise books Practice questions p164 Personal hygiene P193-195 Practice questions 201 Video Bacterial growth and multiplication - Chapter 5: How do bacteria grow and multiply – page 173
Stir Fry Practical – Hygiene & knife skills LO:- Be able to demonstrate the following techniques for fruits and vegetables and, where appropriate, also those that relate to meat and fish or their alternatives: fruits and vegetables - bridge hold, claw grip, peel, slice, dice and cut into even size pieces (i.e. batons, julienne) Video Knife skills: cutting fruit and vegetables see Chapter 1: Fish pie – page 9 http://www.bbcgoodfood.com/videos/techniques/knife-skills
Homework Homework Task By when Practical Bring ingredients and container for Knife Challenge – Stir Fry Next lesson – your teacher will tell you the date 2. Illuminate digital book www.illuminate.digital/aqafood Student Username: SSTANTHONYS3 Student Password: STUDENT3 Record the homework into your planner. Let your teacher know of any food allergies
Stir Fry Practical – Knife cuts Large dice Batons Medium dice Small dice Julienne
Large dice Batons Medium dice Julienne Small dice Thin slice