2017 Graduate Employability Forum How employers & universities can work together to develop career-ready talent Professor Shelley Kinash Director, Advancement of Learning and Teaching Shelley.Kinash@usq.edu.au Twitter: @KinashInAus http://GraduateEmployability.com 1
Graduate Attributes for Lifelong Learning Outline Definition (Shared Understanding) Relevant Research Findings (From National Research) Application in the USQ Context Strategies & Suggestions 2
Definition Employability – Graduate Employability means that alumni have developed the capacity to obtain and/or create work. Support for … Knowledge Skills Attributes Reflective Disposition Identity http://GraduateEmployability.com 3
Heading Relevant Research Findings (From National Research) Based on 2014-2016 Australian research Over 1200 people undergraduate & postgraduate students; graduates; employers; educators & other higher education staff Across all 8 States & Territories http://GraduateEmployability.com Sub Heading Body Text Bullet 1 Bullet 2 Bullet 3 Bullet 4 4
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Heading How do the views of students, graduates, higher education staff and employers differ when asked about employability strategies? Are there further differences between Australia and India? Sub Heading Body Text Bullet 1 Bullet 2 Bullet 3 Bullet 4 6
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In Australia and India, 74% of surveyed students, 72% of surveyed graduates and 84% of surveyed employers believe that university-supported work experience is the top employability strategy. However, 60% of surveyed Australian educators do not believe that they have the necessary resources to make it happen. 9
Do postgraduate students and the staff who support them feel that their employability needs are being met and are they optimistic about their future careers? 10
Career Expectations (Postgraduates) University Career Supports (Postgraduates) 11
Only 14% of interviewed postgraduate students and staff are optimistic about graduate employment. 61% believe that Australian universities need to improve postgraduate employability supports. 12
Interviewed postgraduate students and staff believe that a harsh/competitive job market is the top employment barrier. 14
What employee super-skills are employers expecting to see from graduates? 15
Employers believe that Communication Motivation/Initiative Leadership are the top 3 graduate super-skills. 17
When do university students and graduates know what careers they want? 18
The employability pathfinder: a university student and graduate career knowledge framework 19
Youth say they need career counselling to begin before they choose a university and to continue after graduation. 20
Does assessment matter to employability – according to students, graduates, academics and employers? 21
Heading What is USQ’s distinctive value-proposition in regard to graduate outcomes? Sub Heading Subhead2 Body Text Bullet 1 Bullet 2 Bullet 3 Bullet 4 23
University of Southern Queensland Engineering graduates are far above average in % of graduates employed (including full-time) and median graduate salary. USQ is top in Australia for graduate employment outcomes (across disciplines) because already-employed youth choose USQ, and USQ supports their work-integrated learning. 25
The majority of University of Southern Queensland students are external (75%), mature-aged (63%) and mid-low SES (82%). In response, education features interactive online learning, intensives and work-based learning. 27
How do ‘Graduate Attributes’ fit into the mix? 28
Graduate attributes mean how alumni dispositions have changed as a result of studying this university degree through this institution. 30
How can each of us contribute? 31
Heading Sub Heading Subhead2 Talk to students about employability & their career plans. Engage & network with industry. Collect data / evidence. Know who employs our graduates. Collaborate with USQ Career Development Practitioners. Embed employability into curriculum & assessment. Heading Sub Heading Subhead2 Body Text Bullet 1 Bullet 2 Bullet 3 Bullet 4 32
What are our first steps? 33
Heading Choose one action sparked by this event. Sub Heading Subhead2 By 4 December I will have … I know I will have been successful if … Tomorrow, email your goal to Shelley.Kinash@usq.edu.au Sub Heading Subhead2 Body Text Bullet 1 Bullet 2 Bullet 3 Bullet 4 34
Key Takeaways Collaborative (Stakeholders as Partners) Cohesive & Connected (Before, During, After) Visioned, Clear & Transparent Embedded & Explicit Personalised & Agile Knowledge, Skills, Attributes Reflective Identity 35