Academic Supervision Blogs Cardiff School of Nursing and Midwifery Studies Ysgol Astudiaethau Nyrsio a Bydwreigiaeth Caerdydd Academic Supervision Blogs Access the academic supervision blog module from the home page of Learning Central. Then click on the linked word ‘View’ Photo of Ali Al-Habsi by Dan Farrimond used under Creative Commons License
Staff view on entering academic supervision blog Enter student’s name and then click on it in the list to enter blog Note: The student must have at least opened the blog before staff can add a message
Student view on entering academic supervision blog Note the subscription option
Click here to create a new entry Example blog entry Click here to create a new entry
Adding a blog post Click here to add an attachment to the new entry Pictures and other media may also be attached
To display your picture Adding a picture reduces the depersonalising effects of distance Click ‘Settings’ to add, change or remove your profile icon