Dr. Rio Olympias Sujarwanta, S.Pt., M.Sc. MEAT CATEGORY Dr. Rio Olympias Sujarwanta, S.Pt., M.Sc.
Sub Topics Category of meat based on species and age; Types of muscles and meat; SNI (Indonesian National Standard)
Meat Categories Red meat (Beef, Pork, Lamb or mutton, Veal, Horse, goat, camel, water buffalo and rabbit). Poultry meat (The flesh of domestic birds, Chicken, Turkey, Ducks, Geese and Guinea fowl, Ostrich). Sea food (The flesh of aquatic organisms such as fish, Clams, Lobsters, Oysters, Crabs, Etc). Game meat
Beef Veal : meat from bovine slaughtered at the age of 3-14 weeks, Calf : carcass from young bovine aged 14-52 weeks. Beef : meat from bovine slaughtered at the age of more than one year.
Beef Steer : a male bovine that has been castrated before reaching sexual maturity Heifer : an immature female bovine that has never calved. Cow : mature female bovine or female bovine that has calved. Bull : a mature male bovine used for breeding purposes. Stag : a male bovine that has been castrated after reaching sexual maturity
Pork Barrow : a male pig that has been castrated before puberty. Gilt : a young female pig. Sow : a mature female pig that has given birth to piglets. Boar : a mature male pig that is not castrated. Stag : a mature male pig that has been castrated after maturity.
Lamb Lamb : sheep aged less than 1 year. Mutton : sheep aged more than 1 year. Wether : sheep that have been castrated at a young age. Ewe : female mature sheep. Ram : male mature sheep. Stag : sheep that have been castrated after maturity.
Poultry meat Cock : a mature male chicken. Hen : a mature female chicken or turkey. Tom : a male mature turkey. Capon : castrated chicken
Categories of Processed Meat Products Products of fresh processed meat (hamburger, fried sausage, kebab, nuggets) Products of cured meat (cured beef, cured ham). Raw-cooked products (frankfurter, meat loaf) Precooked-cooked products (liver sausage, blood sausage). Raw-fermented sausages (salami, some traditional Asian products) Dried meat products (dried meat strips or flat piece, beef jerkey).
Fresh Processed Meat Products Comminuted muscle meat with varying quantities of animal fat. Products are salted only, curing is not practiced. Non-meat ingredients are added in smaller quantities for improvement of flavour and binding, in low-cost versions larger quantities are added for volume extension. Heat treatment (frying, cooking)
Carcass and Meat according to SNI 3932-2008 Carcass is part of healthy cow’s body that has been slaughtered in a halal manner according to CAC/GL 24-1997, has been skinned; the offal has been removed; the head and legs have also been removed starting from tarsus/carpus down to the reproductive organs and udder, tail and excess fat. Meat is a part of skeletal muscle from cow carcass which is safe, and edible to consume by human, which can be in the form of fresh meat, chilled fresh meat or frozen meat. Fresh meat is meat that has neither been processed nor been added with any additive.
Carcass and Meat according to SNI 3932-2008 Fresh meat is meat that has neither been processed nor been added with any additive. Fresh chilled meat is meat undergoing chilling process after slaughter until the temperature is around 0-4oC. Frozen meat is fresh meat which has been frozen in a blast freezer with a minimum internal temperature of -18oC. Marbling is vein of white fat spreading in muscle tissues of meat (intramuscular fat).
Carcass and Meat according to SNI 3932-2008 Change in meat color is a color deviation because there is bruise, bleeding, or freezer burn, and or other color changes due to microbes or other contaminants. Bruise is change in color and consistency of meat due to physical pressure. Freezer burn is color change in meat due to contact with a very cold surface under the temperature of -18oC.
Carcass and Meat according to SNI 3932-2008 Carcass fat thickness is subcutaneous fat thickness. Carcass conformation is skeletal muscle tissues and fat tissue as a commercial unit related to the size of skeleton. Carcass color is the color on the fresh cut of back muscle, meat, head, and hamstrings.
Carcass and Meat according to SNI 3932-2008 Veterinary control number ( NKV ) is a certificate as proof of the fulfillment of hygienic requirements of sanitation as a basic standard of animal-based food safety assurance in the business unit of animal-based food.
Classification of Carcass based on age and sex
Classification of Meat Cut
Levels of Carcass Quality
Level of Meat Quality
Level of meat quality
References Aberle, E.D., J.C. Forrest, D.E. Gerrard, E.W. Mills, H.B. Hedrick, M.D. Judge, R.A. Merkel, 2001. Principles of Meat Science. 4th ed. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, Dubuque, Iowa. Swatland, H.J., 1984. Structure and Development of Meat Animals. Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. Soeparno, 2015. Ilmu dan Teknologi Daging. Cetakan ke-6 (Edisi Revisi). Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta. Soeparno, 2011. Ilmu Nutrisi dan Gizi Daging. Cetakan pertama. Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta.