Self Help Group Initiative towards Empowerment 2nd CBR World congress Kuala Lumpur Presented by Taslima Akter CDD, Bangladesh 28 September 2016
About Bangladesh Located in South Asia Recently declared as lower middle income country Population 163.15 million, density 1,252 per square mile Lack of reliable disability related data
About CDD- In a nutshell… Created in 1996 to build in-country capacity on disability-inclusion. A team of 161 staff members where 12% staff are persons with disabilities. Working in partnerships with around 300 NGOs, DPOs, Corporate & Government for a disability inclusive society by mainstreaming disability and promoting rehabilitation & empowerment. Partnership with CBM since 1996. Around 200 SHGs were formed with 3618 person with disabilities as members
Promotion of Human Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Bangladesh (PHRPBD) Duration: 2010 to 2014 (phase-I) and 2015 to 2017 (phase-II) Implementing by 12 partner NGOs in 11 districts covering 29 local government institutions; 108 SHGs were formed comprised of 1408 person with disabilities; 12 Apex bodies were formed with 192 person with disabilities.
Journey towards empowerment Capacity building training Formation of SHGs Regular meetings Advocacy and action plan Collaboration and Networking Documentation Learning & sharing Identification and counseling Key Strategy
Focus on empowering women for leadership 12 Self Help groups of women with disabilities 40% women participation in all groups 40% women representation in the executive committee of the SHGs 50% female representation in all trainings Awareness raising and training on gender equity Gender equity of field staff of partner NGOs
Rights Based Approach Organization Empower Persons with disabilities to claim their rights Persons with disabilities claim their rights from duty bearers and changes their lives Duty Bearers fulfill their obligations towards right holders CHANGES IN Policies Institutions Attitudes Budget Allocation Participation Equality Inclusion Influence duty bearers to comply obligations
Major Intervention: Capacity development of CDD & PNGO staff and person with disabilities SHG formation and regular meeting
….Major Intervention Advocacy and awareness with different stakeholders Provision of assistive devices and rehabilitation services
….Major intervention Capacity develop to improve communication on sign language, Braille Social mobilization in case of violence against persons with disabilities
….Major interventions Facilitating Active participation and express independent opinion in open budget process at UPs Inclusion in different standing committees of UPs
Key quantitative achievements: 108 SHGs were formed 95 Persons with disabilities are included in different local Govt. committees (Standing committees at UP, LGSP-ii etc…) 24 UPs have allocated budget for the development of persons with disabilities in 2015-2016 fiscal year 236 Person with disabilities received training on Rights and Leadership 1305 person with disabilities are involved in self-employment, 148 persons with disabilities are employed in formal economic sector.
Key Changes: Persons with disabilities are united and they are claiming their rights The participation in the decision making process of their family and also in community is increasing. SHG members are receiving recognition for their contribution in the society nationally and internationally. Increased acceptance and dignity in the community
….Key Changes Increased control over their own income and property Increased participation of women with disabilities in family and community initiatives SHGs developed as advocate groups for community
….Key Changes Collaboration with local government, SHGs and PNGOs have increased and joint initiatives are being taken for disability Inclusive development Others persons with disabilities from the same community are forming SHGs following the example set by the existing groups
Major Challenges: The local community and local government had limited understanding how disability issues can be mainstreamed and the role that can be played by the people with disabilities; People with disabilities and their families expect short term & tangible changes; it is not always clear to them how they will benefit through sensitization and advocacy; Most of the SHG members are living with poverty; their first expectation is receiving livelihood support, which at times causes impediments to focus actions on advocacy and rights promotion; Participation of members with speech and hearing disability is less because of communication problems.
Learning: Strong leadership and motivation of the SHG members is vital for the sustainability of the groups, a strong group can continue by themselves without that much of external support; SHGs are being developed as a resource in the community. Not only them, but the other marginalized groups from community comes to SHGs to seek support for accessing different services and opportunities from government and other resources; It is essential to ensure sign language training for effective inclusion of persons with hearing disability in the group’s activities; Community participation and ownership is very essential for the sustainability of the development initiatives.
Story of Jahanara Video will be added later
Conclusion: SHGs/DPOs are the prerequisite element to promote empowerment of person with disabilities. Building strong collaboration between the government at local and national level is very crucial for the sustainability of the SHGs/DPOs. “The time has come to build a society where the voices of the most marginalized are heard”.
Please contact to following address for more information Thank you! Please contact to following address for more information & CDD, Bangladesh