OrgSync’s Service Module: Transforming the Processes of WSU’s Center for Civic Engagement WSU: Tiffanie Braun, Ben Calabretta, Michael Schwartz-Oscar OrgSync: Valerie Stuart
Presentation Overview Introductions Background of the Center for Civic Engagement (CCE) at Washington State University Overview of the Current System and Capabilities OrgSync Discussion about Module 2.0 Open Discussion and Questions
the Center for Civic Engagement A little about WSU & the Center for Civic Engagement WSU is a public land-grant research institution. 4 regional campuses 26,000 students WSU Pullman Campus 19,000 students 7,000 students involved in civic engagement 91 academic course sections 70,000 hours recorded Rural community. Whitman co. population 46,606 People per sq. mile 20.7, compared to state 101.2 WSU opened its doors in 1892 and is a 4 year, research 1, public land grant university, enrolling more than 27,000 students which includes Pullman, WA (3) branch campuses and WSU Online The Center for Civic Engagement was established in 1993 by faculty, students, and community representatives and charged with the important role as a centralized university office, responsible for student civic engagement and service learning and is currently housed within Student Affairs and Enrollment The CCE currently works with over 7000 students who contribute more than 70,000 service hours throughout local and global communities. This includes 91 academic service learning course sections. Pullman, WA
Michael Schwartz-Oscar Thank You! WSU Presenters Tiffanie Braun Ben Calabretta 509.335.327 Michael Schwartz-Oscar OrgSync Presenters Valerie Stuart Questions/contact info when time