'Visiting the doctor: what learners of English really need to know' Duncan Cross November 26 2013
What’s out there? Richards, J. (2000) New Interchange: Intro. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p.73. http://www.projectshine.org/sites/default/files/unit1_Beg_lesson2.pdf
But what else does the Doctor need/want to know? Doctors ( and GPs in particular) now have a lot of training on communication skills Emphasis on communication models Calgary Cambridge Guide The GPs have led the way with a move away from the medical model more towards a holistic view e.g. Health Belief model ICE Patient Centred Care
Calgary Cambridge Kurtz and Silverman 5 Domains/Section These are subdivided into approx 40 skills
ICE Ideas Concerns Expectation The majority of doctors will be looking to address these areas so that they know how to appropriately respond, signpost or refer the patient
Difficult topics to talk about Alcohol (drinkaware.co.uk – will give up to £85 of resources free when you register) Sex Sexuality Drugs Domestic abuse/safe guarding http://www.nationaldomesticviolencehelpline.org.uk/ It’s important to ask yourself this question – Am I worried about my students being uncomfortable or me when I teach these topics
It’s important to ask yourself this question Am I worried about my students being uncomfortable when I teach these topics or am I uncomfortable teaching these topics? Then ask yourself why
In groups I’d like you to have a discussion about your ideas on teaching about Alcohol in the classroom What makes teaching this difficult? What resources can you use?
In groups I’d like you to have a discussion about your ideas on teaching about Sex in the classroom What makes teaching this difficult? What resources can you use?
In groups I’d like you to have a discussion about your ideas on teaching about Domestic Abuse in the classroom What makes teaching this difficult? What resources can you use?
Feedback/Discussion Could you address these topics in the classroom? Yes how are you going to do it? No- why not?