BCPS One LMS: Setting up the Grade Book Division of Curriculum and Instruction September 2017
Setting up the Grade Book By the end of this presentation, participants will be able to: Set up the grade book in BCPS One LMS to align to the Grading and Reporting Procedures Manual. Selecting Your Grading Scale Setting up Gradebook Display Setting up Categories
Getting Started Select “Settings” from Left Navigation Bar
Selecting Your Grading Scale You will have 2 choices BCPS K-3 BCPS 4-12 Please note: Teachers and schools may not create custom grade scales. Only approved BCPS grade scales may be used.
Setting up Grade book Display For Grades K-3 Primary teachers may enter either developmental grade codes or points at the assignment level. This choice impacts the settings for the grade book display. Sample grade book and student/parent view with developmental grade codes. Sample grade book and student/parent view with points.
Setting up Gradebook Display For Grades K-3 Teachers using developmental grade codes at the assignment level must choose NO for show percentages and show points possible. Teachers using points at the assignment level must choose NO for show percent and YES for show points possible. Choosing Yes for Show Points Possible will show students and parents the student’s score out of points possible for the assignment.
Setting up Gradebook Display For Grades 4-12 All teachers in grades 4-12 must choose YES for Show Percentages and Show Points Possible.
Choosing Weighted or Unweighted Categories As outlined in the Grading and Reporting Procedures Manual, the marking period grade must be based on a variety of assignment types and a balance of major and minor summative assignments and assessments. This balance can be accomplished in two ways. Option 1: Weighted Categories This option allows the gradebook to create the balance through appropriate weighting of major and minor categories. Option 2: Un-Weighted Categories This option allows the teacher to create the balance assignments through the distribution of points between categories.
Setting up Weighted Categories Choose YES for Weight assignment categories Teachers are recommended to use Major (30-40%) and Minor (60-70%), unless otherwise specified by an academic office. A “Practice” category is automatically set up for you. Do NOT add a “Practice” category. Assignments entered in the Practice category do not impact the grade. Note: It is not recommended that teachers create categories based on domains, as some assignments will cross domains. This is the recommendation unless otherwise directed by an academic office.
Setting Up Unweighted Categories Choose NO Assignments will display to students and parents in these categories. In Grades 4-12, the overall grade will be calculated through cumulative points in all categories. A “Practice” category is automatically set up for you. Do NOT add a “Practice” category. Assignments entered in the Practice category do not impact the grade. Note: It is not recommended that teachers create categories based on domains, as some assignments will cross domains. This is the recommendation unless otherwise directed by a content office.
Choosing Assignment Categories Please note: You must choose a category for each assignment. Please do not use uncategorized as a category.
Implementation of Codes The Grading and Reporting Manual indicates that the following codes are to be used in the grade book at the assignment level. Code Description Lowest Score (LS) Code Lowest Score (LS) code calculates as 50% of the total possible points. This code may be used when a student attempts a task and earns below 50% of the total points possible. Incomplete (IN) Code Incomplete (IN) code has no impact on the overall calculated grade. This code may be used when a student is absent, has attempted but not completed the assignment, or may be used as a place holder if a student has not completed an assignment. Missing (M) Code Missing (M) code calculates as a 0 for the assignment. When using a 100-point scale, this code may be used when a student is absent or when a task assigned is not completed.