Multicultural Classroom Dr S K Biswas S T T College, Purulia
What is Culture? Culture is the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people, defined by everything from language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts.
Concept of Multiculturalism "Multiculturalism" is the co-existence of diverse cultures., where culture includes racial, religious group and its manifested behaviours, values, patterns of thinking, and communicative styles. In sociology, multiculturalism is the view that cultural differences should be respected or even encouraged. Sociologists use the concept of multiculturalism to describe one way of approaching cultural diversity within a society.
What is a multicultural classroom? A multicultural classroom is one in which both the students and the teacher are accepting of all races, cultures and religions. This acceptance is evidenced by the books that are read, the activities that are completed and the lessons that are taught.
Why is multiculturalism so important? Multiculturalism is important because the world is changing every day. We must learn to accept and get along with all cultures, races, and religions in order to become productive citizens of the world. It is our job as teachers to prepare our students for the real world, and the real world is a multicultural one. Now, we have the opportunity to teach our students love and acceptance, even if it is not being taught at home. Chances are, by the time, the students in your classroom reach the real world it will be a much more multicultural place than it is now and we need to prepare them for that.
Creating a Multicultural Classroom Awareness of Learning Styles: A teachers openness to and acceptance of the varied learning styles can make teaching in the classroom a more tolerant, inclusive and cohesive experience. Communication Resource: Teacher can become a resource on a wide range of issues connected to diversity and multiculturalism for children and parents. Diversity Awareness Activities: Encourage diversity rich activities in the classroom. Plan a cultural exchange unit where students are asked to bring in something that reflects their heritage. Anti-Bias Education: When we make our classrooms an anti- bias classroom, we are helping children be proud and accepting of human differences. An anti-bias curriculum will also encourage them to assess their own identities and teach them to create, live and learn in an inclusive environment.
What can I do to make my classroom more multicultural? Provide books in the classroom library that feature children of many different races. Choose to display posters or artwork on the wall that feature a variety of multicultural children. Discuss differences and similarities in cultures with your students openly, but stress the similarities. Read multicultural books to your class. If you discuss about one holiday in class, make sure to discuss them all. For example, instead of focusing only on Christmas, make sure to cover and give equal time to Duga Puja, Diwali, Id-ul- Fitre when the time comes too.