Welcome to our classroom 3K Mrs Kristine Haralambous Thank you for coming along tonight to Meet the Teacher.
My Teaching Philosophy Positive and engaging classroom environment. Respect for each other; student and teacher. Support different learning styles and needs. Part of a team; help and encourage each other. Power of Learning; knowledge is learning which is our greatest resource. Partnership and open-communication with parents/caregivers and students.
English Novel Study: Writing: Spelling: Grammar: George’s Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dalh Writing: Seven Steps to Writing Success (Whole School Implementation) Spelling: Weekly Spelling Words Spelling Bee Grammar: Sentence A Day Program: Weekly focus on specific grammatical features
Mathematics Number & Algebra Measurement & Geometry Statistics & Probability Mathletics There will be a strong focus on working mathematically, the language of maths and problem solving.
Science Smooth Moves HSIE We Remember: Community and Remembrance
Technology iPads – integrated into our lessons where applicable. Applications – will be introduced gradually as students attain mastery. G-Lad: Mathletics Spell-o-drome Bug Club (coming soon) Coding (One Hour of Coding and Scratch)
Project Based Learning (PBL) Relates to our Stage 2 Unit: Design a Theme Park PBL is a teaching method in which students gain knowledge and skills by working for an extended period of time to investigate and respond to an authentic, engaging and complex question, problem, or challenge. Placed in groups (businesses) to design a theme park and promote it (links to other key learning areas).
Award System The Award System: 3 Merit Awards = 1 Deputy Principal Award 1 Deputy Principal Award + 2 Merits = Principal Award & School Medal 4 Merit Certificates given each week in class to students displaying the school value which is focused on that week.
Class Reward System Table Points: table with the greatest amount of points get to read on the floor the following week. Personal Points: student/s that has/have earned greatest amount of points gets to choose a prize out of the Treasure Box.
Homework Home is distributed on a Friday and due the following Thursday. Please let me know if the are any problems with the homework load. Encourage your child to ask me for help early in the week. The homework policy is on the website. Homework is meant to be revision of concepts.
Important Dates Term One: Swimming Carnival – Tuesday 21st February Got Game – Terms One and Four Science Incursion – Force and Movement ( 13th March) Parent Teacher Interviews – Week 11 Term One Science Club (Yrs 3-6) If you have experience or a hobby that is science related please consider coming along to a session as a guest speaker. Term Two: Naplan: 9th, 10th, 11th May SPAF – Stage 2 Concerts Athletics Carnival ICAS tests – Digital technologies 23/5 Science 30/5 Writing week beginning 12 -16/6 Spelling 14/6 English 1/8 Maths 15/8
Things to Remember How important punctuality is for your children. Label all belongings before they come to school. Send in absence notes if your child has been absent and always sign your child in and out during school hours. Medication is to be handed in to office with all instructions and is administered by office staff. USBs with homework etc. are welcomed but again, please label. Sign up to our online newsletter and School Stream App Lost property is on K-2 site and outside office. Please send a signed note to myself if there is a change in your pick up routine e.g.. Aunty picking up. Library books should be returned before the morning bell.
Getting in Contact Please contact me through the school email address any time you have a question/concern: oatley-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au Address the email: Attention: Mrs Haralambous Alternatively, please ring the School Office on 9580 5519 and I will return your call as soon as I can.
Thank you