BAAC Technology Update, 10-20-15 Office of Completion & Student Success
iGPS Interactive Graduation Planning System All Indiana state institutions are required to provide students with standard degree maps: Degree requirements by major 120 credits (except for very few approved for more credits) Graduate in 8 semesters Within the first semester on campus, the student’s degree map must be customized with/by them Incorporate AP, ACP, transfer credits Adapted for personal interests iGPS is IU’s response to the law . . . and it supports student success! INDIANA UNIVERSITY
iGPS for Students Degree Maps (standard plan for degree requirements) Course Search iGPS Plan (customized degree plan) Schedule Builder Shopping Cart Registration 0003206143 INDIANA UNIVERSITY
iGPS for Academic Advisors AdRx Public Degree Maps iGPS Course Search iGPS/Advising Test Environment Choosing MAP: Once a student clicks “plan from this map” it sort of functions as a favorite, making it easier to plan from the same map next time (or search for other maps) Looking at placeholder & course details through map Adding courses, placeholders, milestones, or semesters to PLAN or BACKUP: student can add text-notes to term (viewable in student’s PLAN and by advisor if advisor is viewing PLAN through AdRx Resolve placeholders in preparation for SCHEDULE BUILDER Use SCHEDULE BUILDER when Schedule of Classes is released AND student is term-activated If a course is planned, but not offered during the term in question, it will be noted in the Schedule Builder interface Customize SCHEDULE BUILDER with unavailable times – sparingly – else “no resulting schedules” Calendar shows different sessions in tabs at top Students should save several possible schedules – preferred one may no longer be available at time of registration Send selected schedule to SHOPPING CART – at close to registration time After enrollment, PLAN shows enrolled, remaining planned, and remaining backup courses INDIANA UNIVERSITY
Recording Student’s PLAN in AdRx Take a screen shot of the student’s PLAN Paste it onto a WORD document; add a date (and any other details) to the document Attach the document to the student’s record INDIANA UNIVERSITY
iGPS in Progress Schedule Builder Enhancements Coming Soon! View course notes View requisites Filter on mode of instruction Filter on session within a term Filter on location INDIANA UNIVERSITY
AdRx – Advising Records Features that enhance advising My Current Profile Quick Notes Resources History Tab for Notes Full view of all notes Documents Addenda Caseload Assigned Advisees Ad Hoc groups Advisor will be notified if caseload email doesn’t go to certain students who don’t have IU email addresses – may ask OCSS to inactivate email, within AdRx notes, to show that student didn’t actually get it. And/or, may contact student in another way (and remind him/her to create IU email) Demonstrate DOCUMENTS (including iGPS plan in a WORD document) INDIANA UNIVERSITY
AdRx in Progress Planned for October 22 release! Ability to add a note to multiple student records without sending an email Add addendum to another person’s notes Send mass emails from no-replay OR self Winter/Spring: More Caseload Improvements Add email & username to csv/EXCEL file Fully match My Advisees functionality Add multiple additional filters Send email from departmental email address INDIANA UNIVERSITY
CBI for AdRx and FLAGS Remember to LOG IN (top right of screen) Student Academic Advising Flags Advisor Dashboard Student Contact Report – Advisors Dashboard INDIANA UNIVERSITY
SAS Student Appointment Scheduler Many enhancements in progress Consider starting use in December/January Contact to: Get access Set up Training INDIANA UNIVERSITY
SSC: Student Success Collaborative Data Feed clean-up in progress for students: Taking courses at other IU campuses With active program plan stacks on more than one IU campus Intercampus transfer students COURSES Filter: can now go back two years (to Fall 2013) instead of only one year Watch for move to EAB CAMPUS in Fall 2016 All-IU Steering Committee (convening 10/22) Address questions & input to Elizabeth Guertin or Gail Fairfield INDIANA UNIVERSITY
Caseload Management using Student Success Collaborative & AdRx Use robust SSC filters to create lists for outreach Copy lists into an AdRx Ad Hoc group to manage communications from AdRx Save important lists in an EXCEL file to track actions and responses Have asked for functionality to add notes to AdRx caseload lists INDIANA UNIVERSITY