Software reliability with GAMOS


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Presentation transcript:

Software reliability with GAMOS P. Arce1, A. Dotti2 1 CIEMAT, Medical Applications Unit, Madrid, Spain 2 SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, California, USA Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, USA 21-28 October 2017

Outline Introduction DICOM management Protontherapy tutorial MC applications An easy and flexible framework DICOM management Protontherapy tutorial Radiotherapy geometry modules GAMOS from a web browser Summary Pedro Arce Latest Developments in GAMOS

Monte Carlo applications Often the use a MC simulation is a difficult task for a non-expert software user In the case of Geant4 most of the application has to be written in C++ Several applications try to facilitate the use of MC in a specific field Providing an scripting language tailored to the field Pedro Arce

Monte Carlo applications But users find some problems with these applications User wants to describe some input not included in the application A peculiar volume shape, a new primary generator position distribution, some option in the physics,… User wants to have some kind of output or detailed information to debug or understand some part of the simulation, and the application only provides a limited amount of output possibilities Dose from the gammas that entered the phantom with small energy, energy lost by particle traversing a volume as a function of the initial energy, … The available applications cover a limited amount of physics fields, and many users do not find an appropriate one for their needs Pedro Arce

An easy… An scripting language, instead of C++, plus many tools to facilitate the definition of input and output Any geometry in a text file format Including superposition's of parallel geometries Several modules to define in a few lines the most complicated parts (jaws, multi-leaf collimators, range modulators,…) Dozens of distributions for primary particles: position, direction, energy and time Any available Geant4 physics + 30 scorers, including error calculation Many optimization options F18 decay energy Applications focused of a physics field: g/e- radiotherapy, proton/ion radiotherapy, PET, SPECT, Compton Camera, tissue optics, g spectroscopy, shielding Pedro Arce

… and flexible framework Extensive use of plug-in technology User can easily extend the framework to satisfy a new requirement Any Geant4 example can be transformed into a GAMOS example Not behaving as a black box, but letting the user understand in detail each aspect of the simulation A new concept, GAMOS data, plus the use of filters and classifiers, allows to satisfy with a few user commands requirements as complex as: Write in a file the logarithm of the energy of the gammas that reach the phantom only if they have left some energy in the jaws Plot the X vs. Y position of each step in the source volume only if the particle or one of its descendants will reach the detector Flexible use of the verbosity of each event/track /track step and each package independently Pedro Arce

Checking the physics RTIon plans Livermore physics Penelope physics There is a wide variety of physics options in Geant4 Alternative processes, models and parameters User should to check different options to guarantee the best match to the experimental data To help in this task, GAMOS offers the possibility practically all the physics options available in Geant4 with a few user commands Standard, Livermore, Penelope + switch on/off: decay, radioactiveDecay, opticalphoton processes, Cerenkov, gamma-nuclear, electron-nuclear, positron-nuclear, xray-refraction (new model in GAMOS), gamma polarization, atomic deexcitation Choose multiple scattering model: Urban, Wentzel-VI, Goudsmit-Saunderson, single scattering Choose bremsstrahlung model: Tsai, Koch-Motz 2BN, Koch-Motz 2BS, dipBust Nanodosimetry physics: DNA and LEPTS models, Alll Geant4 physics list for hadronic models Plus easy way to add your own physics list Add one line: PLUGINSVC_FACTORY(ExUCNPhysicsList,G4VUserPhysicsList*()) And use it in the GAMOS script: /gamos/physics ExUCNPhysicsList e- bremsstrahlung models Pedro Arce 7 7 7

Detailed visualization Visualization is often needed to check the correctness of the geometry simulation But sometimes 3D visualization is not the best option GAMOS allows visualization with any Geant4 drive (although remember that some of them require the installation of an external package) And also provides a 2D visualization Pedro Arce

Detailed visualization Visualization is often needed to check the correctness of the geometry simulation But sometimes 3D visualization is not the best option GAMOS allows visualization with any Geant4 drive (although remember that some of them require the installation of an external package) And also provides a 2D visualization Pedro Arce

Obtaining detailed data Most users are researchers, it is not enough to provide some final results, like dose distribution, or PET event classification table Want to have a deep understanding of what happens in the simulation Want to have the capability to evaluate the reliability of the results Want to choose the best physics configuration For example: How many gammas traverse completely the jaws? How much energy they lose? What is the length travelled by electrons produced by Compton interactions in a crystal? Dump in a binary file the position of the gammas as they cross a human body only if in the future this track or one of its descendants will leave a signal in one detector Make an histogram of the energy deposited in a water volume by any of the electrons that were created in a Compton interaction in the jaws volumes, only if they have an energy bigger than 1 MeV when they enter the water volume … Something we GAMOS developers have never imagined…

GAMOS data A new concept developed in GAMOS Almost 200 types of data can be obtained at each step, track, event or run event ID, trackID, particle, process, kinetic energy, energy lost, energy deposited, step length, number of secondary's, position (X/Y/Z/R2/R3/phi/theta), direction, change in position, change in angle, energy secondary/energy primary, angle secondary – primary, etc. Also composed data, using arithmetic expressions sqrt(2.*FinalLocalPosX*FinalLocalPosY) With a few user commands data can be used to fill histograms (1D, 2D, profile), be dumped in text or binary files, or be printed on the screen EXAMPLE: Plot at each track step the logarithm of the initial kinetic energy and also the final X position vs final Y position /gamos/userAction GmStepDataHistosUA /gamos/setParam GmStepDataHistosUA:DataList log10(InitialKineticEnergy) FinalPosX.vs.FinalPosY

A filter is an algorithm that accepts or reject a step or track Filtering A filter is an algorithm that accepts or reject a step or track ● > 100 filters in GAMOS Starts/Ends/Enters/Exits/Traverses/In LogicalVolume/PhysicalVolume/Touchable/Region, or any of their children, particle type, process type, primary or secondary, charged or neutral, etc. Composed filters: ● AND, OR, XOR, Inverse, OnSecondary (apply filter to secondary tracks created in a step), with history (pass filter in any previous track step or any ancestor previous track step), etc. Filter on numeric data: if the data is inside an interval /gamos/filter energyF GmNumericDataFilter InitialKineticEnergy 100.*keV 1.*MeV Filter on string data: if the data is included in a list /gamos/filter scatteringF GmStringDataFilter Process compt rayleigh

Filtering example Dump in a text file the energy lost by the tracks in all kind of jaws # only when track steps happen in JAWS_X or JAWS_Y /gamos/filter jawsF GmInLogicalVolumeFilter MY_JAWS* # Select what to dump into text file /gamos/setParam GmTrackDataTextFileUA_jawsF:DataList EventID TrackID Particle AccumulatedEnergyLost # Include a header line in text file /gamos/setParam GmTrackDataTextFileUA_jawsF:WriteHeader 1 # Dump data in text file /gamos/userAction GmTrackDataTextFileUA jawsF HEADER: 4,"EventID","TrackID","Particle","AccumulatedEnergyLost" 2,2,"e-",0.0198374 40,2,"e-",0.151526 63,2,"e-",0.188402 119,52,"e-",0.494147 119,49,"gamma",0.514096 119,46,"gamma",4.02731

Classifying A classifier is an algorithm that classifies a step or track information, returning an index ● ByParticle, ByKineticEnergy, ByNAncestors, ByLogicalVolume, ByPhysicalVolume, ByTouchable, ByRegion, ByProcess, ByMaterial, etc. Compound classifiers: return an index combining two or more classifiers /gamos/classifier particleAndProcessC GmClassifierByParticle GmClassifierByProcess Classifier on numeric data: different index for each interval /gamos/classifier energyC GmClassifierByNumericData InitialKineticEnergy 0. 10.*MeV 1*MeV Classifier on string data: different index for each data value /gamos/classifier processC GmClassifierByStringData CreatorProcess

Classifying examples Plot for each Z layer the X vs Y position only when an interaction occurred in the “phantom” volume # only when track steps happen in phantom /gamos/filter InPhantomF GmInLogicalVolumeFilter phantom # classify by the Z position (a different histogram for each Z interval) /gamos/classifier ZposC GmClassifierByNumericData FinalPosZ -100. 100. 200./10 # select what to plot /gamos/setParam GmStepDataHistosUA_InPhantomF_ZposC:DataList FinalPosX.vs.FinalPosY # build histograms at each step using filter and classifier gamos/userAction GmStepDataHistosUA InPhantomF ZposC -100 < Z < -80 -80 < Z < -60 -60 < Z < -40

Scoring ● Dose ● Deposited energy ● Flux (in/out/passage) Scoring may be an important part of a simulation  powerful and flexible framework developed, fully based on user commands: Many possible quantities can be scored in one or several volumes (based on Geant4 scorers) ● Dose ● Deposited energy ● Flux (in/out/passage) ● Current (in/out/passage) ● Charge ● Step length ● Number of particles ● Number of interactions ● Number of 2ary particles ● Number of steps ● Minimum kinetic energy ● Kerma For each scored quantity one of several filters can be used only electrons, only particles with energy in a given interval, … Several ways to classify the different scores One different score for each volume copy, or volume name, or energy bin, … Results can be printed in one or several formats for each scored quantity Standard output, text/binary file, histograms Scoring can be made in real or in parallel worlds All scored quantities can be calculated with/without errors All scored quantities can be calculated per event or per run Taking into account correlations from particles from same event

Scoring Everything managed with user commands NFWOKX OUTPUT: For example: score the number of interactions (collisions) of gammas in each volume copy - Select all volumes for scoring /gamos/scoring/createMFDetector nInterDet * - Score number of interactions /gamos/scoring/addScorer2MFD nInterScorer GmG4PSNofCollision nInterDet - One score per each physical volume /gamos/scoring/assignClassifier2Scorer GmClassifierByPhysicalVolume nInterScorer - Only score for gammas /gamos/scoring/addFilter2Scorer GmGammaFilter nInterScorer OUTPUT: NFWOKX MultiFunctionalDet: nInterDet PrimitiveScorer: nInterScorer Number of entries= 6 index: target:1 = 2.111 +-(REL) 0.024593555 index: primary collimator:1 = 1.066 +-(REL) 0.049482843 index: flattening filter:1 = 0.028 +-(REL) 0.28856012 index: jaws_X:1 = 0.003 +-(REL) 1 index: jaws_X:2 = 0.006 +-(REL) 0.6231189 index: expHall:0 = 0.002 +-(REL) 0.70675279

Controlling the verbosity High verbosity is often necessary Find out the reason for a strange behavior Better understand some result But a too big verbosity output would hamper the task Verbosity should have a high degree of granularity Switch on the verbosity only for a selected group of events, or even tracks Control the degree of verbosity of each simulation field (geometry, particle generator, scoring, …) individually   All this can be done in GAMOS with the extra advantage of keeping a full control through user commands ### GAMOS SENSITIVE DETECTOR VERBOSITY IN EVENT 1138 /gamos/userAction GmGamosVerboseByEventUA /gamos/verbosity/byEvent GmSDVerbosity debug 1138 1138 ### GEANT4 VERBOSITY IN EVENT 1138 /gamos/setParam GmTrackingVerboseUA:EventMin 1138 /gamos/setParam GmTrackingVerboseUA:EventMax 1138 /gamos/userAction GmTrackingVerboseUA Pedro Arce

CPU Optimization Resources are limited: so CPU optimization means Smaller statistical error (often without optimization error is not satisfactory) More detailed checks can be done to guarantee the reliability of the results GAMOS offers First: an utility to study where CPU time is spent, with user commands By particle, energy bins, volume, region (or combination of them) Just add user commands: /gamos/classifier ParticleAndEnergyClassifier GmCompoundClassifier GmClassifierByParticle GmClassifierByEnergy /gamos/userAction GmTimeStudyUA ParticleAndEnergyClassifier gamma/0.01-0.1: User=2.01 Real=2.45 Sys=0.27 gamma/0.1-1: User=19.12 Real=22.05 Sys=1.51 gamma/1-10: User=4.25 Real=5.4 Sys=0.3 e-/0.01-0.1: User=4.71 Real=5.41 Sys=0.38 e-/0.1-1: User=15.59 Real=18.19 Sys=1.79 e-/1-10: User=82.83 Real=98.62 Sys=7.45 Pedro Arce

In GAMOS we developed a tool to Physics cuts Optimization Geant4 has no default production thresholds (and the same for user limits: step size, kill below energy, …) It is important to optimise them You may be wasting your CPU time …or biasing your results But to optimize the cuts for different particle/regions need to run very big statistics need to run many sets of cut values + physics cuts per particle and region (group of volumes) can be defined through user commands In GAMOS we developed a tool to Automatic obtain the best production cuts or user limits in one job with limited statistics

Particle splitting UNIFORM BREMSSTRAHLUNG SPLITTING All bremmstrahlung photons are replicated the same number of times Z-PLANE DIRECTION BREMSSTRAHLUNG SPLITTING User defines a Z plane with limits in X & Y (represents entrance of phantom) Same as uniform BS, but if gamma does not aim at Z plane, Russian roulette is played EQUAL-WEIGHT SPLITTING Similar as Z-plane direction BS, but splits every gamma produced, not only from bremsstrahlung Russian roulette is played with e-/e+, so that very few reach Z plane Aim is that all particles that reach phantom have the same weight Based on EGSnrc DBS technique

Testing the code robustness Visualization is often needed to check the correctness of the geometry simulation But sometimes 3D visualization is not the best option GAMOS allows visualization with any Geant4 drive (although remember that some of them require the installation of an external package) And also provides a 2D visualization Pedro Arce

Detailed visualization Visualization is often needed to check the correctness of the geometry simulation But sometimes 3D visualization is not the best option GAMOS allows visualization with any Geant4 drive (although remember that some of them require the installation of an external package) And also provides a 2D visualization Pedro Arce

Installation Documentation User support

sh $HOME/gamos Installation GAMOS is freely available from CIEMAT web User registers and downloads installation scripts No need to manually download and install packages No need to define environmental variables Checks that your system has the needed components Downloads, installs and compiles CLHEP, Geant4, (optionally) ROOT and GAMOS in the selected directory GAMOS compiles = Geant4 Optionally an expert user can make several choices, Geant4-like Installation tested on Scientific Linux, Fedora Core, Debian and Ubuntu, and on MacOS We provide a no-choice but very easy way: one-line installation sh $HOME/gamos

Documentation User’s Guide: Software reference manual (doxygen): Installation All available functionality How to provide new functionality by creating a plug-in Software reference manual (doxygen): Documentation of the classes and their dependencies Examples: A simple one and a few more complicated ones /gamos/setParam GmGeometryFromText:FileName mygeom.txt /gamos/geometry GmGeometryFromText /gamos/physics GmEMPhysics /gamos/generator GmGenerator /run/initialize /gamos/generator/addSingleParticleSource my_source gamma 6.*MeV /run/beamOn 1000 and type: gamos

Tutorials Four tutorials Radiotherapy tutorial PET tutorial Histograms and scorers tutorial Plug-in tutorial Propose about 15 exercises each Increasing in difficulty Reference output provided Solutions provided User can do them by her/himself 7 GAMOS tutorial courses have been given in Europe and America

Release and user support Releases are checked in three different platforms > 50 different tests are run More than 500 registered users s ince August ’09 (plus 100-150 more before) Not only in medical physics GAMOS Discussion Forum Users ask questions, new requirements GAMOS Bug Report System (based on Bugzilla) Users report bugs Automatically assigned to a GAMOS developer Users mailing list Only announcements (new releases, new courses) Developers mailing list Interchange of info between GAMOS developers in different institutes Geographical distribution of GAMOS users Physics fields of interest of GAMOS users

+ 2,500 registered users since August ’09 Not only in medical physics Summary The GAMOS framework has demonstrated to be easy and flexible tool for Geant4 simulations New functionalities extend its use in several fields: DICOM management, ion therapy, tissue optics New protontherapy tutorial New tool to use GAMOS from a web browser Geographical distribution of GAMOS users + 2,500 registered users since August ’09 Not only in medical physics Physics fields of interest of GAMOS users An active community! +600 conversations with +2,000 messages in GAMOS User’s Discussion Forum Pedro Arce

3rd GAMOS online course: 3rd GAMOS online course: February 5th – March 2nd 2018

GAMOS plug-in’s If I want some functionality that GAMOS does not have? Best solution for biggest flexibility: plug-in’s What’s is a plug-in? It is the same in software that USB in hardware: The easiest way to add a new device (class), without touching the operative system (framework): no need to install a driver (modify framework classes) How it works in GAMOS: If you want to use, for example, your own physics list instead of one of the GAMOS ones Add one line in user’s code DEFINE_GAMOS_PHYSICS(MyPhysicsList); Code is transformed into a plug-in Automatically it may be selected with a user command /gamos/physics MyPhysicsList

GAMOS plug-in’s Advantages of plug-in’s: No need to understand how GAMOS works internally (how GAMOS would invoke my code?) or modify GAMOS code No need to recompile each time I want to alternate between the GAMOS component and my own one GAMOS has no predefined components: user has full freedom in choosing components Any user written code (geometry, primary generator, physics list, sensitive detector, user actions, …) can substitute any GAMOS component while still using the rest of GAMOS utilities If you have a working application, you may still use it, while you take profit of the part of GAMOS you like No restrictions on the way to do things: all Geant4 functionality is available to GAMOS users

Tutorials Eight tutorials Propose about 10-20 exercises each Histograms and scorers tutorial PET tutorial SPECT tutorial Compton camera tutorial Radiotherapy tutorial Shielding tutorial Gamma spectrometry tutorial Plug-in tutorial Propose about 10-20 exercises each Increasing in difficulty Reference output provided Solutions provided User can do them by her/himself 18 GAMOS tutorial courses have been given in Europe and America

Documentation User’s Guide: Software reference manual (doxygen): Installation All available functionality How to provide new functionality by creating a plug-in Software reference manual (doxygen): Documentation of the classes and their dependencies Examples: A simple one and a few more complicated ones /gamos/setParam GmGeometryFromText:FileName mygeom.txt /gamos/geometry GmGeometryFromText /gamos/physics GmEMPhysics /gamos/generator GmGenerator /run/initialize /gamos/generator/addSingleParticleSource my_source gamma 6.*MeV /run/beamOn 1000 and type: gamos