Tapas 6-12-16 Match the nouns with all possible adjectives: 1. ___ una vecina a. trabajador 2. ____ un perro b. seria 3. ___ un chico c. guapa 4. ___ una maestra d. interesante
Personajes… 10 points Imagine that you have been chosen to create three new characters for a new TV show or a new movie. Write as many descriptive details for your new characters as possible and include a picture of the characters. You will present your three characters to the class by reading their descriptions.
ENSAYO Your friend Julio is doing a survey of the clothes teenagers like to wear. Write what you like to wear. Remember to include the color of the clothing items in your description: To go dancing- Para ir a bailar… To a fancy restaurant- Para ir a un restaurante elegante… To stay at home- Para estar en casa…