Task 5.2 INERTIA Simulation Test Suite TECNALIA Joseba Jimeno


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Presentation transcript:

Task 5.2 INERTIA Simulation Test Suite TECNALIA Joseba Jimeno

Task 5.2 Index Task Overview Test system architecture Work plan Deliverable D5.2.1/2

T5.2 -Task Overview Objective: Duration: Partners involved: “This task is aimed to define a complete Test Suite for the different components, modules and prototypes developed in the project, going further than the individual tests performed during and after the implementation and focusing on their integration” [DoW] Duration: Start: July 2013 (M10) End: March 2015 (M30) Partners involved: TECNALIA (3 pm), PPC (2 pm), ENELSI (1 pm) Deliverables: D5.2.1/D5.2.2 “INERTIA Simulation Test Suite” (M24)(M30)

T5.2 – Test system architecture Simulation test system

T5.2 – Work Plan Input required from each module development task: Specifications Detailed test suite Definition of the simulated system (M20): DSO Control Hub with simulated network and scenarios Aggregator Control Hubs (1 aggregator) Local Control Hubs (CERTH + TECNALIA) Definition of test scenarios (M20): Network operation scenarios based on T4.2 Aggregator operator related scenarios Local Hub related scenarios

T5.2 – Work Plan Development of test suite for each of the scenarios considering the simulation test system (M32). For each test in the test suite: Elements (SW & HW) participating in the test Preconditions Step by step instructions to execute the test Expected results for each step

T5.2 – Work plan Expected contribution from partners: TECNALIA: Definition of the simulated system, scenarios and test suite development PPC: Definition of network operation related scenarios ETC EI: ???

T5.2 – Deliverable D5.2.1/2 Two deliverables: D5.2.1 (M24) D5.2.2 (M30) Description of the test components and set up Data sets to be used on the tests (MV loads and generation Definition of test scenarios Test suite

Thank you for your attention