CS1010: Programming Methodology Preparing for Practical Exam (PE) http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~cs1010/3_ca/pe.html
Important Notes (1/2) Have you been practising? In a simulated test environment? Manage your time well. Read the instructions carefully. Refer to CS1010 website: http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~cs1010/3_ca/pe.html Read the questions carefully! When in doubt, ask. Do not start coding right away. Spend first 10 – 15 on thinking and writing the algorithm first. We will not allow any coding in the first 10 minutes of PE1. Check that your algorithm works before you start coding. CS1010: Preparing for PE
Important Notes (2/2) If the problem seems hard, simplify it, break it into smaller sub-problems. In the worst case, solve a simplified version. A partial program is better than no program. Save your program from time to time. Make sure that your programs can be compiled! Practise Incremental Coding (which I have demonstrated during week 4 lecture) Test your programs thoroughly with your own test data. You programs will be graded not only on correctness, but also on style and design. CS1010: Preparing for PE