CSN1 Presentation December 3, 2012 Ron Ray Mu2e Project Manager


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Presentation transcript:

CSN1 Presentation December 3, 2012 Ron Ray Mu2e Project Manager

R. Ray - CSN1 Presentation Overview Introduction Mu2e Sensitivity to New Physics Experimental Method Mu2e Project Status INFN Contributions to Mu2e Summary Dec. 3, 2012 R. Ray - CSN1 Presentation

R. Ray - CSN1 Presentation Introduction Mu2e experiment is a search for Charged Lepton Flavor Violation (CLFV) via the coherent conversion of m-N  e-N Mu2e will use current proton source at Fermilab to achieve world’s best sensitivity Target sensitivity has great discovery potential Goal: <0.5 events background Goal: Single-event-sensitivity of 2 x 10-17 (this yields Discovery Sensitivity for all rates > few 10-16) Factor of 104 improvement over world’s previous best results W.Bertl et al. (Sindrum II), Eur Phys J C47 (2006) 337 C. Dohmen et al. (Sindrum II), Phys Lett B317 (1993) 631 Dec. 3, 2012 R. Ray - CSN1 Presentation

R. Ray - CSN1 Presentation Introduction Discovery sensitivity over a very broad range of New Physics Models SuperSymmetry, Little Higgs, Leptoquarks, Extended Technicolor, Extra Dimensions, … A null result at the target sensitivity will severely constrain new physics models. Complementary sensitivity to rest of the world HEP program MEG, LHC, n mixing, B-factory Dec. 3, 2012 R. Ray - CSN1 Presentation

Some CLFV Processes Relative sensitivities model dependent Current Limit Next Generation exp  BR < 6.5 E-8  BR < 6.8 E-8 10-9 - 10-10 (Future B factories)  BR < 3.2 E-8 eee BR < 3.6 E-8 KL --> e BR < 4.7 E-12 K+ --> e BR < 1.3 E-11 B0 --> e BR < 7.8 E-8 B+ --> K+e BR < 9.1 E-8 e+ BR < 2.4 E-12 10-13 (MEG) e+e+e- BR < 1.0 E-12 N --> eN Re < 4.3 E-12 10-16 (Mu2e, COMET) Relative sensitivities model dependent Measure several to pin-down details of new physics Dec. 3, 2012 R. Ray - CSN1 Presentation

New Physics Contributions to mNeN Loops Supersymmetry Heavy Neutrinos Two Higgs Doublets Contact Terms Compositeness Leptoquarks New Heavy Bosons / Anomalous Couplings NeN sensitive to wide array of New Physics models Dec. 3, 2012 R. Ray - CSN1 Presentation

R. Ray - CSN1 Presentation Sensitivity Mu2e mass reach ~104 TeV Target Mu2e sensitivity best in all scenarios. ~×2 beyond MEG in loop-dominated physics. Higher mass scale A. de Gouvea Project X Workshop Golden Book Dec. 3, 2012 R. Ray - CSN1 Presentation

R. Ray - CSN1 Presentation Mu2e Sensitivity Colors denote different model scenarios Current Limit Rate mNeN hep-ph/0702136v3 The little Higgs models are able to predict a naturally-light Higgs particle. Symmetry breaking takes place through a collection of mirror leptons and quarks. BR(meg) Mu2e will cover the entire space Most likely result would be near the existing experimental limit – large signal! Dec. 3, 2012 R. Ray - CSN1 Presentation

R. Ray - CSN1 Presentation Mu2e Sensitivity Sensitivity to Warped Compact Extra Dimensions Scan of Randall-Sundrum Parameter space hep-ph/0606021v2 Mu2e, MEG will each cover entire space Definitive test of R-S geometric origin of lepton hierarchy at the TeV scale. Dec. 3, 2012 R. Ray - CSN1 Presentation

R. Ray - CSN1 Presentation Mu2e Sensitivity Scan of SUSY – GUT parameters BR(meg) / 10-11 BR(tmg) / 10-7 M1/2 (GeV/c2) PMNS CKM BR vs. Gaugino mass. Yukawa matrix inherits PMNS mixing structure or small CKM-like mixings. meg, tmg will begin to probe this space Dec. 3, 2012 R. Ray - CSN1 Presentation

R. Ray - CSN1 Presentation Mu2e Sensitivity Scan of SUSY – GUT parameters hep-ph/0605139v2 Rate mN  eN / 10-12 M1/2 (GeV/c2) Mu2e Sindrum II PMNS CKM Rate vs. Gaugino mass. Yukawa matrix inherits PMNS mixing structure or small CKM-like mixings. Mu2e will cover (almost) entire space Dec. 3, 2012 R. Ray - CSN1 Presentation

R. Ray - CSN1 Presentation SUSY These are SUSY benchmark points for which LHC has discovery sensitivity Some of these will be observable by MEG/B Factories All of these will be observable by Mu2e Dec. 3, 2012 R. Ray - CSN1 Presentation

R. Ray - CSN1 Presentation Mu2e, MEG and the LHC Mu2e is important regardless of what happens with MEG or the LHC If MEG sees a signal Mu2e also has sensitivity. Besides a confirmation of CLFV, combination of mN  eN and BR(m  eg) is a powerful discriminator between new physics models. If MEG sees no signal, Mu2e has sensitivity to new physics that MEG does not, so observation still possible. If LHC discovers new physics, Mu2e and Mu2e/MEG can provide insight into its interpretation. If LHC does not discover new physics, Mu2e has a reach of ~104 TeV, so discovery still possible. Mu2e is a potential discovery experiment that is relevant in all possible scenarios. Dec. 3, 2012 R. Ray - CSN1 Presentation

History/Future of CLFV MEG MEG upgrade PSI, MUSIC Mu2e, COMET Project X, PRIME Dec. 3, 2012 R. Ray - CSN1 Presentation

R. Ray - CSN1 Presentation Experimental Method Generate a beam of low momentum muons ( Stop the muons in a target Mu2e plans to use aluminum Sensitivity goal requires ~1018 stopped muons The stopped muons are trapped in orbit around the nucleus In orbit around aluminum: Al = 864 ns Large N important for discriminating background Look for events consistent with mN  eN Monoenergetic 105 MeV e- X e- Coherent recoil of nucleus m- Dec. 3, 2012 R. Ray - CSN1 Presentation

Mu2e Apparatus Proton Beam Detector Solenoid Transport Solenoid Production Solenoid Production target Graded field Delivers ~ 0.0016 stopped m- per incident proton 1010 Hz of stopped muons Detector Solenoid Muon stopping target Tracker Calorimeter Warm bore evacuated to 10-4 Torr Transport Solenoid Collimation system selects muon charge and momentum range Pbar window in middle of central collimator 4.6 T 2.5 T 2 T 1 T Cosmic Ray Veto not shown Proton Beam Production Solenoid Detector Solenoid Transport Solenoid Production Target Tracker Calorimeter Dec. 3, 2012 R. Ray - CSN1 Presentation

R. Ray - CSN1 Presentation Beam Structure Radiative Pion Capture Prompt background: Processes where the detected background electron is nearly coincident in time with the arrival of a beam particle at the muon stopping target. Target foils Pulsed beam combined with extinction of beam between pulses and delayed search window reduces prompt backgrounds like Radiative Pion Capture. Arrival of m/p at stopping target Dec. 3, 2012 R. Ray - CSN1 Presentation

R. Ray - CSN1 Presentation Project Scope Scope of the Project includes the Mu2e apparatus (solenoids, detectors) accelerator modifications, new detector hall that is part of Fermilab’s new Muon Campus. Mu2e Dec. 3, 2012 R. Ray - CSN1 Presentation

R. Ray - CSN1 Presentation Mu2e Project Status The Mission Need (CD-0) for Mu2e was established in Nov. 2009. The Mu2e cost and schedule range (CD-1) was approved in July 2012. Establish Performance Baseline (CD-2) in Spring of 2014 Important to understand all contributions to the Project on this time scale The Department of Energy has provided us with a preliminary funding profile for $230M. The Mu2e Project has thus far received $68M of this funding, representing a significant commitment from the DOE. Mu2e enjoys strong support from The Department of Energy, Congress and Fermilab. Dec. 3, 2012 R. Ray - CSN1 Presentation

L2 Managers Dec. 3, 2012 R. Ray - CSN1 Presentation 1 Project Management R. Ray FNAL 2 Accelerator S. Werkema FNAL 3 Conventional Construction T. Lackowski FNAL 4 Solenoids M. Lamm FNAL 5 Muon Channel G. Ginther FNAL 6 Tracker A. Mukherjee FNAL 7 Calorimeter S. Miscetti Frascati 8 Cosmic Ray Veto C. Dukes UVa. 9 Trigger and DAQ M. Bowden FNAL Dec. 3, 2012 R. Ray - CSN1 Presentation

Schedule Start running beam to detector in summer of 2019 CD-1 CD-3a CD-2/3b CD-3 CD-4 R&D Start running beam to detector in summer of 2019 Engineering Design of Solenoids Fabricate and QA Superconductor Solenoid Fabrication and QA Field Mapping Detector Hall Design Site work/Detector Hall Construction Solenoid Infrastructure Solenoid Installation Install Detector Detector Construction Accelerator and Beamline Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2   Common Projects g-2 Commissioning/Running FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 Dec. 3, 2012 R. Ray - CSN1 Presentation

R. Ray - CSN1 Presentation Solenoid Status Significant engineering and design effort. ~25 FTEs now engaged in solenoid effort. Embarking on a year of conductor R&D to validate design prior to fabrication of the solenoids. Purchasing samples of all 4 solenoid conductor types. Detector Solenoid and Production Solenoid to be built in industry (possibly even in Italy!). Transport Solenoid still under discussion. Dec. 3, 2012 R. Ray - CSN1 Presentation

R. Ray - CSN1 Presentation Tracker Status T-Tracker was presented as the baseline at DOE Review in June. Straw tubes transverse to solenoid axis. Considerable work on design and simulations over the past 3 years. I-Tracker proposed as an alternative Significant R&D on a design relevant for both Mu2e and MEG. Significant synergy from INFN perspective. Simulation work not as far along as T-Tracker, but catching up. Dec. 3, 2012 R. Ray - CSN1 Presentation

R. Ray - CSN1 Presentation Tracker Status Collaboration evaluating whether I-Tracker satisfies physics requirements I-Tracker resolution is similar to T-Tracker. Significantly more hits leads to more robust pattern recognition and track fitting that could lead to reduced backgrounds. Collaboration will finish evaluation by end of December. Project will make final decision if I-Tracker determined to satisfy physics requirements. Final decision made on the basis of cost, schedule, risk. Dec. 3, 2012 R. Ray - CSN1 Presentation

R. Ray - CSN1 Presentation Calorimeter Status Managed by INFN – S. Miscetti is the System Manager LYSO chosen as calorimeter element. High light output Radiation hard Small RM Fast decay time LYSO is more expensive than lead-tungstate but the significantly increased light output and radiation hardness simplify the design and saves money elsewhere. Operate at room temperature Use of a simple voltage amplifier in place of a charge sensitive amplifier and shaper Smaller area photodetectors No loss of running time to recover from radiation damage. Dec. 3, 2012 R. Ray - CSN1 Presentation

R. Ray - CSN1 Presentation Beam Test Ratio of crystal response to beam energy March 2011 test of a LYSO array using the tagged photon beam at the Mainz Microtron. Funded entirely by INFN Test of energy, timing and position resolution Test of photodetector candidates Prototype HV boards Excellent training ground for students and post docs who participated in the beam test and who simulated test array. Good agreement between data and simulations. Another beam test to take place in the next year. Position Resolution Dec. 3, 2012 R. Ray - CSN1 Presentation

R. Ray - CSN1 Presentation Calorimeter Geometry Vane and disk geometry both under consideration. Disks have higher acceptance and are symmetric to electrons and positrons. However, neutrons are more problematic for disks. Collaboration producing simulations to study the issue. Expect a final decision early in 2013. Dec. 3, 2012 R. Ray - CSN1 Presentation

Importance of Calorimeter The calorimeter provides an important cross-check for the energy, position and timing of conversion electrons. Can be integrated into the reconstruction along with the tracker to provide an unambiguous space point and T0 to help eliminate left-right ambiguities and make for more robust track finding. The calorimeter can provide a simple trigger for conversion electron candidates and can provide an unbiased trigger to to calibrate the tracker. Mu2e budget cannot currently support the full cost of the calorimeter, so INFN contribution can add significant value and capability to the experiment. Dec. 3, 2012 R. Ray - CSN1 Presentation

R. Ray - CSN1 Presentation INFN Contributions INFN is fully integrated into the Project and the Collaboration with representation on the Mu2e Technical Board, Institutional Board and Executive Committee. Significant Mu2e Contributions from Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Lecce Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Pisa Università del Salento Università di Udine and INFN Trieste/Udine INFN Genova has recently engaged to help on the solenoids. Dec. 3, 2012 R. Ray - CSN1 Presentation

R. Ray - CSN1 Presentation INFN Contributions Frascati Project Management of calorimeter system Crystal R&D Design of mechanical support Photodetector R&D Pisa Cluster reconstruction and analysis software Low Voltage Waveform digitizer studies Udine SiPM R&D for the Calorimeter and radiation hardness testing Dec. 3, 2012 R. Ray - CSN1 Presentation

R. Ray - CSN1 Presentation INFN Contributions Lecce/Salento I-Tracker design and R&D Simulations of I-Tracker T-Tracker Broad array of simulations for trackers, calorimeter, neutron production, etc. Genova Proposes to play an important role in the solenoids including contributions to conductor and coil R&D. Dec. 3, 2012 R. Ray - CSN1 Presentation

R. Ray - CSN1 Presentation Summary The physics addressed by Mu2e is extremely compelling. This is a discovery experiment. Mu2e is complementary to MEG and the LHC and is important in any scenario. The Mu2e Project enjoys significant support from the US Department of Energy, Congress and Fermilab. INFN is fully integrated into Mu2e and is playing a critical role on several fronts. A contribution from INFN towards the calorimeter adds a significant capability that may not be possible otherwise. Dec. 3, 2012 R. Ray - CSN1 Presentation