Team Banana for monkeys Anssi, Atte, Jonne, Kai and Samu School Catering Team Banana for monkeys Anssi, Atte, Jonne, Kai and Samu
Business idea School catering Due the change of catering company in our school we decided to establish our own catering firm. The idea is to serve nutritious food but still with reasonable price
Food Lunch 10.00-13.00 Salad, bread, drinks (milk, water, juice) Soup Vegetarian food Meat and fish main course Dessert (extra cost) Snack 13.00-17.00 ”Subway style” sandwich bar Mix your own bread!
Customers Our customers are Students Staff Other lunch customers Teachers Cleaners Other personnel Other lunch customers
Swot analysis Strenghts Weaknesses Nutritious and delicious food Lunch and snack sercvice Weaknesses Food waste Large starting costs
Swot analysis Opportunies Threats No competion near Cheap food for students Threats Increasing cost of raw materials
Calculation COST