MINI- BEASTS Hi, I’m LB! Click on LB to Continue
WHAT IS A MINI- BEAST? Nymph Maggot Ant Mole Bird Pygmy Possum Scorpion Starfish Snail Spider Swallow Worm Zebra Ant Bird Butterfly Caterpillar Centipede Cockroach Dog Earwig Elephant Lady beetle Lion Click to go to next slide.
Yes, it is a mini- beast Click LB to go back to the list
NOPE, not a mini-beast Click LB to go back to the List
SO, WHAT IS A MINI- BEAST? Can you feel you spine or backbone? MOST mini- beasts do not have a backbone but a tough type of shell called an exoskeleton. Insects are a type of mini- beast, so are crabs, starfish, spiders and beetles. Click to continue.
THE STUDY OF MINI- BEASTS Believe it or not but some people dedicate their lives to studying and finding new bugs and mini- beasts. These people are called ENTOMOLOGISTS. Click LB to Go to next slide
BUG BITS INSECTS have a Head, Thorax and Abdomen. They can also have wings, legs, feeler and mouth parts.
CATEGORIES OF MINI- BEASTS. Mini-beasts are separated into four categories: Myriapods Insects Arachnids Crustaceans Click LB to Go to activity
SO NEVER PICK ONE UP. IT COULD BE A NASTY CENTIPEDE. Mad Myriapod Myriapods are creatures with many, many legs. Millipede Centipede Both have lots of little body pieces. MILLIPEDES have two legs on each body piece and centipedes have only one By the way, CENTIPEDES are nasty, they have poison and eat other bugs. Millipedes are nice, they eat leaves. SO NEVER PICK ONE UP. IT COULD BE A NASTY CENTIPEDE.
Insane Insects Insects are land animals with an external skeleton of hard plates with flexible membranes. They are divided into three body parts: Head Thorax Abdomen WASP FLY BUTTERFLY ANT COCKROACH CATERPILLAR EARWIG BEETLE BEE GRASSHOPPER FACT: Spiders are not insects, as they only have two body sections and eight legs.
AHHH Arachnids! Heard of Arachnophobia? It means a fear of spiders. Spiders, scorpions, tick and mites are all arachnids. BE AFRAID! THERE ARE OVER 100,000 TYPES OF ARACHNIDS And most of them live in Australia SCORPION SPIDER NEVER touch a spider or scorpion. If you find a tick on you or a pet, get an adult to take you to the doctor or your pet to the vet. You can get very sick from a ticks poison.
Cool Crustaceans MOST crustaceans are water- dwelling creatures. Slaters and land crabs are crustaceans, though the live on land. SLATERS CRABS SHRIP YABBIE CRAYFISH BARNACLE LOBSTER WATER FLEA Crustaceans have hard shell like body armour. They have similar body parts to insects, it is just a harder material.
TODAYS TASK... You will be labelling a diagram of a mini- beast- in this case a fly. You will then colour the different parts in different colours, for example, all the legs in green, the head in pink. If you finish early... Click on LB
For those who finish early... INTERNET CROSSWORD
References Encyclopaedia of the Animal World. (1977) The Children’s Factfinder. Zigzag publishing.