Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education Clayton Christian Commissioner Performance and Accomplishments Montana University System Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education
Goal 1: Access & Affordability Increase the overall educational attainment of Montanans through increased participation, retention and completion rates in the Montana University System
Goal 2: Workforce & Economic Development Assist in the expansion and improvement of the state’s economy through the development of high value jobs and the diversification of the economic base.
Goal 3: Efficiency & Effectiveness Improve institutional and system efficiency and effectiveness.
Game Changing Completion Strategies Complete College America: The MUS partnered with Governor Bullock and the Montana Legislature in the implementation of a broad and deep array of academic and fiscal strategies designed to improve student success and increase the number of Montanans who hold a college credential. Conditions for Change – utilizing Systemwide strategies such as attainment goals, performance based funding, metric reporting Math Pathways – alignment of gateway math courses with program requirements instead of defaulting students into the college algebra sequence Corequisite Support – redesigning developmental math and English so students enroll directly into college level gateway courses and provided with the academic support needed for them to succeed 15 to Finish – encouraging all students to enroll in at least 15 credits every semester as a strategy to graduate on time Guided Pathways – intentional process for students to explore and select programs with knowledge of career outcomes and to utilize proactive advising and degree maps to promote on-time graduation Structured Schedules – design course schedules that are predictable, consistent, and consolidated
Systemwide CCA Game Changer Implementation Performance-based funding The MUS is entering its fourth year of innovative performance-based funding that incentivizes campuses to retain more students until they graduate from college. Co-requisite Education The MUS is helping student reduce costs and time to degree through gateway math and writing courses that are more relevant and timely when provided in a “co-requisite” manner instead of a traditional “prerequisite” requirement. Math Pathways and Guided Pathways The MUS is improving the alignment of content in mathematics and other disciplines with the required knowledge for respective degree programs and career pursuits.
15 to Finish Montana State University’s Freshman 15 initiative has proven to be successful by putting more students on track to graduate on time. Building off of MSU’s work, 15 to Finish is likely to be the next Game Changer to be scaled across the System. Structured Schedules As a national leader in the Structure Schedules strategy, UMW’s Experience One block scheduling has yielded tremendous results. Several instances of individual programs implementing structured schedules are occurring such as MSU’s accelerated nursing, Highlands College’s machining cohort model, and Great Falls College’s learning community pilot. Guided Pathways DegreeWorks, a student facing web-based academic planning platform, has been implemented at both UM and MSU to assist students monitor their progress towards degree completion. Student success is enhanced by better placement decisions and advising services and degree maps.
Ensured Affordability & Innovative Budgeting Record state investment in higher education MUS credibility and action with the Governor and Legislature grew the state appropriation by over $40 million since 2012. State appropriations: FY12 = $152M FY17 = $195M Support per resident FTE: FY12 = $5,129 FY17 = $7,526 Private fundraising growth Private gifts and contributions to help students succeed are at an all-time high through efforts led by the Presidents and Commissioner. OCHE restructuring The office has eliminated two deputy commissioner positions and other positions at the level of director or associate director to reassign work, adjust compensation at a savings, and make better use of the competencies and capabilities of its human resources.
Tuition affordability MUS advocacy for record state funding made Montana a national leader in tuition price restraint so working students and families can afford college. Statutory authority for non-resident waivers The MUS worked with the Legislature to change Montana law so our campuses can strategically use discounts for non-resident students to generate revenue and improve student diversity while resolving a legislative audit question. Transformed tuition model supported by data integration The BOR adopted tuition rates in 2017 using a model that draws a stronger connection between state appropriations, tuition, and enrollment projections; working to better align budgets with institutional mission parameters.
MUS Employee Group Benefits & Insurance Shared Services The MUS is building on current efficiencies in combined business and service operations by identifying strategic areas for more shared services at lower costs and better effectiveness. MUS Employee Group Benefits & Insurance The self-funded insurance plans that cover nearly 20,000 employees, retirees, and dependents are in strong shape with effective options for plan members – an accomplishment in turbulent times for health care. JCAT Model The MUS built a job categorization model fed by information in the human resources data warehouse to improve the system’s HR analytical capabilities and serve a need identified by the Legislative Branch. Legislative Audit OCHE and the system continue to rate well in fiscal compliance audits and performance audits conducted by the Legislative Audit Division.
Institutional & Academic Improvement: Access, Efficiency, Effectiveness, & Opportunity Program Prioritization The MUS has a renewed and reinforced commitment to stronger alignment of academic program offerings with concepts of relevancy, strategy, and niche opportunities to better serve students and sustain our institutions of higher education. Academic planning process reform The MUS overhauled important time elements in the evolution of academic program development for better system prioritization and communication. Institutional mission differentiation The BOR adopted a policy in 2017 that designates an institutional classification for each unit of the MUS to improve academic and fiscal planning in service to students and the state.
UM support The MUS through OCHE has a critical support plan in place for UM that includes assistance to the institution with interim leadership, leadership recruitment efforts, and creative financing. MSUB support The MUS through OCHE has a support plan in place for MSUB that includes careful oversight of finances and a designated task force of Billings community members to examine issues, opportunities, and solutions for the institution.
Excellent teaching-and-learning facilities The MUS secured public and private support to launch major facility projects such as Missoula College, Northern’s Diesel Technology Center, Business and Engineering buildings in Bozeman, and other facility upgrades on every campus. Graduate medical education The MUS grew the number of WWAMI (University of Washington medical school) slots by 50% and created a veterinary medicine exchange program (WIMU) with Washington State University. University-based research The growing research enterprise of the MUS has reached a quality of excellence to inspire unprecedented state investment in university-based research as an economic driver.
Credit for Prior Learning / Prior Learning Assessment The MUS implemented a system policy to expand and publicize opportunities for adult learners to get college credit for prior learning gained through career or military training if there was structured testing and the content is relevant to academic courses. Dual Enrollment Montana has greatly expanded dual enrollment to save families money, reduce student debt, improve college readiness, and help students graduate on time. Ed Ready The MUS led the rollout and coordination of this online math tutorial that improves student preparation at the high school level and results in better math placement decisions at the college level. Major federal access grants Federal grants were reauthorized for programs that improve access to higher education for under-served populations (ETS, GEAR UP, Perkins).
Dedication to Student Health, Safety, & Wellness International travel policy The MUS implemented an international travel policy to reduce safety risks for students and employees who travel abroad in the scope and course of educational duties. Suicide awareness and prevention The MUS has implemented strong coordination between campus student services and mental health professionals, and inter-campus resource sharing, with inter-agency involvement by appropriate state and local officials. Firearms on campus The MUS has worked to prevent concealed-carry bills from getting to the Governor’s desk, and to get any that did vetoed.
Sexual violence prevention and services Campuses of the MUS improved their policies and procedures for effectiveness, implemented mandatory training for members of the campus community, and initiated valuable dialogue for awareness through student-led summits and other activities. Alcohol and drug awareness Campuses require students to complete a tutorial with best-practices curriculum on wellness and safety in the context of alcohol and drugs. Student financial literacy The MUS implemented financial education programs at all campuses and achieved reductions in borrowing by first-time freshman students and bachelor’s degree recipients.
Workforce Development, Community Responsiveness, & Public Messaging Workforce and economic development The MUS is a national leader in earning competitive federal funding to build training programs, apprenticeships, and innovative academic credentials to serve students and employers in key sectors such as manufacturing and health care. Partnership with the Department of Labor and Industry (DLI) The newly created position shared by OCHE and DLI to build workforce pathways and apprenticeships exemplifies Montana’s cutting-edge work. Montana was one of 10 states invited to and recognized by the White House in June 2017 as a national thought leader in workforce development.
Rural educator task force The MUS is a leader in helping Montana communities recruit and retain high-quality teachers to serve students in school districts across the state. Healthcare Education and Workforce Coordinating Council The MUS formed an advisory council of medical organization and university system representatives to examine health care program needs and make recommendations to the BOR and Commissioner. Veterans initiatives The system has implemented comprehensively improved services for veteran students at each campus, and some institutions have invested facility funds into the creation and improvement of specially designated veterans support areas on campus. Veterans initiatives The system has implemented comprehensively improved services for veteran students at each campus, and some institutions have invested facility funds into the creation and improvement of specially designated veterans support areas on campus.
Two-year college mission integration and branding The MUS renamed the two-year colleges in 2012 as part the system-wide adoption of the comprehensive two-year community college mission. Media relations The MUS is continually committed to maintaining strong, credible relations with print and broadcast news organizations, which have arguably improved in recent months. Representation on various councils and boards SHEEO, WICHE, NASH, AGB, Digital Academy, etc.