Simulation Metrics, & Criteria Ad Hoc Chairs Perspective Jan. 2001 Month 2000 doc.: IEEE 802.11-00/xxx January 16, 2001 Simulation Metrics, & Criteria Ad Hoc Chairs Perspective Jan. 2001 Author: Matthew Sherman AT&T Labs - Research 180 Park Avenue Florham Park, NJ 07932 973-236-6791 Date: January 16, 2001 Matthew Sherman, AT&T Labs - Research John Doe, His Company
Status of “Sim” Ad Hoc Group Month 2000 doc.: IEEE 802.11-00/xxx January 16, 2001 Status of “Sim” Ad Hoc Group Primary focus on Framework Collection of simulations, matrics, and MAC models to promote Apples to Apples comparison of proposals Forum for people doing 802.11 simulations to communicate with others doing simulations Matthew Sherman, AT&T Labs - Research John Doe, His Company
Where to find Models OPNET Models available on FTP site Month 2000 doc.: IEEE 802.11-00/xxx January 16, 2001 Where to find Models OPNET Models available on FTP site Address is: Username: 80211 Password: wlan Note that OPNET’s current Release (DEC00) is not consistent with Framework Software Still working of OPNET’s October Models NS Software Can be found at: Address: Username: Password: anon1776 PCF / DCF MAC Contact Matthew Sherman ( Currently under NDA Matthew Sherman, AT&T Labs - Research John Doe, His Company
Framework Status Very little change since Nov ‘00 Month 2000 doc.: IEEE 802.11-00/xxx January 16, 2001 Framework Status Very little change since Nov ‘00 Minor changes to MPEG model MAC with PHY models added Group has been focusing on coding proposals Few participant using Framework Most individuals creating their own scenarios and metrics Key DCF participants have defined one common scenario (1/11/01) Not currently part of Framework Little update to Scenarios since Nov ‘00 TI Model 3 Update No attempts to update Metrics or Criteria IEEE 802.11-00/196r2 stands Matthew Sherman, AT&T Labs - Research John Doe, His Company
Who is Simulating Which Proposal Month 2000 doc.: IEEE 802.11-00/xxx January 16, 2001 Who is Simulating Which Proposal EPCF Several companies starting from existing PCF code Each company simulating different aspects AT&T - Advanced Queuing capabilities Philips - RR/CC exchange Sharewave - Delayed Ack, Multi-Poll, Scheduled Poll VDCF Independent simulations by AT&T, TI, Altheros, Sharp P-DCF Independent simulations by TI & Altheros TCMA AT&T Matthew Sherman, AT&T Labs - Research John Doe, His Company
Generated Documents Minutes for meetings can be found in: Month 2000 doc.: IEEE 802.11-00/xxx January 16, 2001 Generated Documents Minutes for meetings can be found in: 0450r28E-Ongoing Simulation, Metrics, and Criteria Ad Hoc Group Minutes for Nov 2000 - Jan 2001.doc Numerous simulation documents presented to Jan. 2001 meeting, but none that ran through the Sim Ad Hoc Group Matthew Sherman, AT&T Labs - Research John Doe, His Company
Open Issues Not many of the proposers are using the Framework Month 2000 doc.: IEEE 802.11-00/xxx January 16, 2001 Open Issues Not many of the proposers are using the Framework Use of Framework was always encouraged, not mandated, Need to consider how to get more people using scenarios / metrics in framework Need to consider how to get people to maintain and enhance existing framework None of the simulation models have undergone formal validation Need validation approach Open for suggestions Matthew Sherman, AT&T Labs - Research John Doe, His Company