Dr. Mohammed Hawa University of Jordan Network Simulators Dr. Mohammed Hawa University of Jordan
Simulation of Computer Networks
Also Wireless Networks
Main Network Simulation Packages OPNET Modeler (40% of research papers) Ns-2/Ns-3 (40% of research papers; wireless) Others are less popular: OMNeT++ NetSim GloMoSim QualNet CSim
OPNET Modeler – Windows/Linux
Ns-2/Ns-3 ns: short for Network Simulator. Runs mainly on Linux. Free and Open Source. Written in C++ (core) and Python (bindings). ns-2 was popular (C++ and Otcl) but difficult. ns-3 will eventually replace ns-2 in most universities that are currently using ns-2. Contributed models by graduate students.
How do I use it? Windows 7 (32 or 64 bit) Install Cygwin to provide a Unix-like environment and CLI. Compile ns-3 source code using gcc compiler.
Ns-3 Website
Easy to Follow Documentation
FAQ and Large Support Community