What is young minds? Young Minds is a charity that helps raise awareness for young people with mental health issues. It supports children and the parents of these children so they know they aren’t alone.
What is mental illness? A condition that has an effect on some ones behaviour or ways of thinking.
Mental health disorders Anxiety Bipolar Border line personality disorder Depression Schizophrenia Insomnia Bulimia Anorexia
How many young people are affected by mental health issues? About 80,000 suffer with depression 290,000 have some sort of anxiety 850,000 children have some kind of mental disorder! Around 1 in 10 suffer from a mental health problem a year 3 out of 4 children with a mental illness find it hard to talk about around friends These are only the children that have been diagnosed there could be many more.
How does young minds help this? Young minds supports and encourages children with mental health issues and their parents to get the right help needed, to have a voice and not shy away even though for some young people this could be hard.
How can you help? Raise awareness of mental health disorders Support your friends and family Take care of yourself Fundraise to help more young people get the support they need
How to give money The charity has a web page that allows you to donate or you can send your money through the post. As well as this you can hold your own events and you can download sponsorship forms off the webpage. http://www.youngminds.org.uk/
Why do I support this charity?
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