James Webb Space Telescope By: Baylee and Elizabeth
Click the dots to learn more about the parts of the James Webb Space Telescope!
Click here to return to Telescope! Primary Mirror The Primary mirror consists of 18 separate hexagonal segments that come together to make one gigantic 6.5 meter long mirror. This is made of beryllium, a material that is perfect because it is both strong and lightweight. Click here to return to Telescope!
Click here to return to Telescope! Secondary Mirror The secondary mirror directs light from the primary mirror to the Webb's instruments. Click here to return to Telescope!
Click here to return to Telescope!! Spacecraft Bus The Spacecraft Bus is home to the six major subsystems. These are the Electrical Power Subsystem, Attitude Control Subsystem, Communication Subsystem, Command and Data handling Subsystem, Propulsion Subsystem, and the Thermal Control Subsystem. The Electrical Power Subsystem is in charge of converting the energy from the solar panels to power that operates the Webb. The Attitude Control Subsystem is in charge of the observatory orbit and points the observatory to the area in space that wants to be observed. The Communication Subsystem receives the commands from the Operations Control Center and sends this to the OCC. The C&DH Subsystem includes the CTP which takes the commands that the Communication Subsystem receives and sends them to the appropriate spot. It also includes the SSR. The Propulsion Subsystem contains the fuel tanks and rockets that maintain the orbit of the Webb. The Thermal Control Subsystem maintains the temperature of the Spacecraft Bus. Click here to return to Telescope!!
Click here to return to Telescope!! Sunshield The sunshield is very important. Its job is to keep the infrared light from the earth, sun, and moon from reaching the Webb's instruments. Click here to return to Telescope!!
Click here to return to Telescope!! ISIM This is the ISIM. It is one of the most important pieces of the telescope because it contains the scientific instruments that make the telescope function. The ISIM includes the Near-Infrared Camera, the Mid-Infrared Instrument, the Near-Infrared Spectrograph, and the Fine Guidance Sensor/ near InfraRed Imager and Slitless Spectrograph. Click here to return to Telescope!!
Near-Infrared Camera (NIRCam) This is the main imager on the Webb. It is a powerful tool for studying our galaxy as well as planets. It has an infrared wavelength of 0.6-5 microns. It is capable of detecting light from the earliest stars and galaxies. The coronagraphs on the NIRCam works by blocking out the light from brightly lit objects so that it can retrieve images of surrounding objects that are more faint. Click here to return to Telescope!!
Click here to return to Telescope!! Solar Panels Convert the sunlight hitting the telescope into power that is used to operate the instruments on the telescope as well as the subsystems. Click here to return to Telescope!!
Bibliography [untitled image showing stars] retrieved April 3, 2016 from http://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2015/10/the-most-interesting-star-in-our-galaxy/410023/ [untitled image showing the JWST with solar panels] retrieved April 3, 2016 from https://www.flickr.com/photos/nasawebbtelescope/16678567678/in/album-72157624413830771/ image credit Northrop Grumman [untitled image, this is the main image of the full JWST used in this presentation] retrieved April 3, 2016 from http://irfu.cea.fr/en/Phocea/Vie_des_labos/Ast/ast_technique.php?id_ast=2288 NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope Primary Mirror Fully Assembled, NASA, no date, web, retrieved April 3, 2016, [ http://www.jwst.nasa.gov/ ].
Bibliography [untitled image showing a close-up view of NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope Secondary Mirror.], NASA, no date, web, retrieved April 3, 2016, [ http://jwst.nasa.gov/mirrors.html ]. The Spacecraft Bus, NASA, no date, web, retrieved April 3, 2016, [ http://jwst.nasa.gov/bus.html ] Northrop Grumman, Flight sunshield layer #2, NASA, January 15, 2016, web, retrieved April 3, 2016, [ http://jwst.nasa.gov/sunshield.html ]. Instruments Integrated in ISIM Structure, NASA, no date, web, retrieved April 3, 2016, [ http://jwst.nasa.gov/sunshield.html ].
Bibliography [untitled image showing the NIRCam], NASA, no date, web, retrieved April 3, 2016, [ http://jwst.nasa.gov/nircam.html ]. The JWST Near Infrared Camera (NIRCam), ESA, September 3, 2013, web, retrieved April 3, 2016, [ http://sci.esa.int/jwst/52813-the-jwst-near-infrared-camera-nircam/ ].