IMPROVED! NEW! Propaganda! A MUST SEE! Everybody is doing it!
What do these images have in common? They are all used to influence you to do something. They are all examples of propaganda!
WHAT? A message used to persuade you to believe something or do something Propaganda WHY? To persuade you to buy something, think something, or do something. WHO? Corporations Government Individuals WHERE? Commercials Packaging Speeches Stores Billboards Internet Newspapers Everywhere! HOW? There are 7 propaganda techniques we will learn
The 1st type of Propaganda is… Bandwagon Persuading people to do something by letting them know others are doing it. All the cool kids are doing it Everybody has one!
Bandwagon works because it makes you think “everyone is doing it” and you should too. Why is this sign considered BANDWAGON?
Find the example from “Brain Breeze Find the example from “Brain Breeze.” “Everyone is looking for that competitive mental edge.” “Don’t be the last person to act on this offer.”
The 2nd type of Propaganda is… Stereotype Presents a narrow, fixed idea about all the members of a certain group.
Find the example from “Brain Breeze Find the example from “Brain Breeze.” “Even elderly people can enjoy the benefits of Brain Breeze…no more forgetting relatives’ birthdays”
The 3rd type of Propaganda is… Name-Calling Love Hate The use of loaded words to create negative feelings about a product.
Find the example from “Brain Breeze.” “even the laziest couch potato…”
The 4th type of Propaganda is… Snob Appeal Sends the message that something is valuable because only “special” people appreciate it.
Find the example from “Brain Breeze Find the example from “Brain Breeze.” “High-achieving, high-income people appreciate the Brain Breeze.”
The 5th type of Propaganda is… Endorsement Using a recommendation from someone who is well-known.
Testimonials work because you feel like you can trust the words of an expert or someone famous.
Find the example from “Brain Breeze Find the example from “Brain Breeze.” “Professor Gary Fract, specialist in cognitive advancement”
Assuming one event causes another. False Cause Assuming one event causes another.
Circular Reasoning President Reagan was a great communicator because he had the knack of talking effectively to the people. Reasons that say the same thing over and over again using different words.
A broad conclusion using all or nothing words. Overgeneralization A broad conclusion using all or nothing words.
Relies on words with strong positive or negative associations. Loaded Language Relies on words with strong positive or negative associations.
Questions that have an obvious answer. Rhetorical Question Questions that have an obvious answer.
Famous spokesperson endorses a product. Testimonial Famous spokesperson endorses a product.
A conclusion drawn from too little evidence. Hasty Generalization I don’t understand my math homework today. I’m going to fail the ENTIRE class!! A conclusion drawn from too little evidence.