Deformation and Mountain Building (Brittle - ductile; stress and strain; faults and folds)
Brittle and ductile deformation
Stress (force/area) and strain Extension Stretching Types of stress Compression Shortening
Shear stress and strain
Dip and Strike
Dip-slip Fault
Dip slip faults Compression Shortening Extension Stretching
Reverse fault Dip-slip faults (Compression) Normal fault Thrust fault
Thrust fault
Horst and Graben
Strike-slip faults and the bicycle rule
Oblique-slip faults
Thrust faults, Detachment fault and Mountain Building
Transform Fault San Andreas Fault North America Plate Pacific Plate
Folding Anticline
Anticline, syncline and monocline
Plunging and non-plunging folds
Plunging Anticline
Plunging Anticline Plunging Syncline
Folds and map patterns
Folds and map patterns Sandstone 1 Sandstone 2 Sandstone 1 Sandstone 2 28 28 29 29 Sandstone 1 Sandstone 2
Dome and basin formation – intersecting folds
Domes and basins Dome Basin Dome
Isostasy and Mountain building
Folding, faulting and mountain building
Mountain Building
Subduction and Mountain building
Continent-continent collision and Mountain building
Rift Mountains