Gospel Response … …living sacrifices (12.1-2) …individuals in community (12.3-8) …service (12.9-21) …in submission to authority (13.1-7)
Living a life of love (13.8-15.21) Love others (13.8-10) Forsake false love (13.11-14) Love fellow believers (14.1 – 15.6) Love the world (15.7-21)
Love others (Romans 13:8-10) Debt (13:8) Gospel as Crucifixion Question: Where do I place limits on love? Where have I given enough? Luke 14:1-6
Love others (Romans 13:8-10) The other (13:8) Leviticus 19 Gospel as Kingdom (Beloved Community) Question: Where am I working for kingdom restoration?
Love others (Romans 13:8-10) Doing no harm (13:10) Gospel as Shalom Question: Do my behaviors or attitudes harm my neighbor? Matthew 18:21-22
Love others (Romans 13:8-10) Fulfillment of the Law (13:10) Gospel as Burden Bearing Matthew 11:28-29; Galatians 6:2 Intercession and action Isaiah 53:3-7 Question: Where do we protect ourselves from the burdens of this world? Luke 6:21, 25