Fitness Goal Project How to set a fitness goal for three components of fitness… Cardiovascular Endurance Muscular Strength / Endurance Flexibility
Requirements Individual Group Set a fitness goal for one component of fitness, using quantitative and qualitative measures. Develop four activities to help you reach your goal. Group Collaborate with your group, using class time and online collaborative tools (google domain). Present your findings with the class, using multimedia
Fitness Goal Project Create a Group of Three Students chooses component and Group Teacher chooses component and you choose group Teacher chooses component and group
Decide What Component of Fitness you want to tackle 1. Cardiovascular Endurance 2. Flexibility 3. Muscular Strength/Endurance Each group member will represent a component of fitness!
Do Research Learn the Principles of Training (FITT) Why do you want to do what you are doing? Look at the goal identification. Set a Personal Fitness Plan Use Developing a personal fitness plan and my personal fitness plan from handout on Mr. Headley’s Web Page
Create a Plan Once you understand how to improve your component of fitness now make a plan Who (your name) What (is your goal?) When (do you hope to reach your goal?) Where (are you working out?) Why (do you want to reach your goal?) How (FITT Formula)
Documentation Now be creative, how will you present your project to the class. What type of multimedia format will you use?
Questions Remember be creative!!! Do something you’ll have fun doing Have fun with it If you are good at movies do a movie if not choose something else This is due March 25th We will view Projects on Friday 26th
Requirements Set a fitness goal for one component of fitness (individual) Develop four activities to help you reach your goal (individual) Documentation, the five “W’s” Collaborate with your group (group) Present your findings with the class (group) Multimedia Presentation (2-4mins.) Video, stills, Power Point, Poster(on computer) Website, other…