Welcome Today is Tuesday, September 15, 2015 You will need your: Writing utensil Planner and Language Arts journal SpringBoard book 2nd period/3rd period Dress code all good? Cross Country athletes? Seating Chart adjustments
Please write this learning target in your planner: I will understand the expectations of Unit 1. Practice Activities I will receive and examine my copy of the SpringBoard book. I will set up my Language Arts journal. I will read the goals and vocabulary. Success Criteria I have a personalized book. My journal will be set up. I know what we will learn in Language Arts this year.
Learning Target Examination Turn to your table partner and discuss what the learning target is and put it in your own words. I will understand the expectations of Unit 1.
I will receive my copy of the Springboard book. Tacoma Public First Name Last Name 2015-16 new It should be blank to start!
I will examine my book. Turn to Resources on page 337 Learning strategies on page 338 Glossary on page 344 Graphic organizers on page 353 Index of skills on page 361
I will set up my Language Arts journal. Turn to the first page of the journal and set it up this way:
I will set up my Language Arts journal. Skip a couple pages and then start to number the corners 1, 3, 5, 7, 9,
I will listen to and mark the Unit Overview As I read the Unit Overview, mark the text by underlining words and phrases that tell you what the unit will be about. Pair-Share with your table partner
I will respond to the photo Look at the photo Think about the changes you have experienced in your own life. physical mental emotional Pair-Share with your table partner. Respond to the question in your journals. Don’t forget to write “response to picture” in the table of contents
Riddle of the Sphinx
Riddle of the Sphinx Oedipus traveled to the town of Thebes. There he was met by the great Sphinx. The Sphinx sat in front of Thebes and asked everyone who came there a riddle. If you could answer it, the Sphinx let you go, but if you could not answer the riddle, then the Sphinx ate you. Nobody ever knew the answer. This was the Sphinx's riddle: What goes on four feet in the morning, two feet at noon, and three feet in the evening? When Oedipus answered the riddle correctly, the Sphinx was so upset that she killed herself.
Read the goals for the unit and mark words you are unfamiliar with. I will read the goals Read the goals for the unit and mark words you are unfamiliar with.
I will listen to the vocabulary Listen carefully as I pronounce each of the vocabulary words.
Fist to Five and Exit Ticket Learning Target I will understand the expectations of Unit 1. Homework None Exit Task On a half sheet of paper write the one goal of the five on page 2 you are most excited about reaching.