Limbrick News Date: 17th March 2017 Latest news: Special mention certificates were awarded to: Yr R - Ateefa Yr 1 – Stephanie Yr 2 – Dontay Yr 3 – Charlotte Yr 4 – Rebecca Yr 5 – Hannah Yr 6 – Sophie Reading raffle winners: Rec – Danny Yr 1 – Tommy Yr 2 – Shayla-Mae Yr 3 – Corey Yr 4 – Shaun Yr 5 – Iosif Yr 6 – Kwaku Sickness Bug in School: Over the last few days there has been a number of children absent from school due to sickness and/or diarrhoea. This has culminated today with a high level of absence alongside a significant number of children being sent home poorly. Upon contacting both the school nurse and Public Health West Midlands, we have been advised to take a number of infection control measures. For example in school: door handles and other touch points have been disinfected this morning; children and staff have been washing their hands frequently today and applying gel; children have been sent home as soon as they’ve been displaying symptoms. In order to control this sickness bug as far as possible, we insist, in line with Public Health West Midlands, all children(irrespective of age) need to be “symptom free” for 48 hours before they return to school. It is crucial that we all do this as the sickness virus is easily transmitted from one person to another and is able to survive in the environment for many days. I’m hoping in taking these measures all of our children will be fighting fit as quickly as possible. I really appreciate your support in this matter. Speech and Language session for parents: A session for parents of children with speech and language needs is being run in school on 30thMarch, from 9.00am to 11.00am. There are several places available but they must be booked. If you are interested in attending this session, please let the school office know as soon as possible. Red Noses for sale . . . . As it will be Red Nose Day on Friday 24th March, we will be supporting the charity by selling red noses. Pupils are going round to classrooms each day to sell them. They cost £1 each. Initially we will limit sales to one per child. They need to be kept at home until Friday 24th so that they don’t get lost. Don’t forget that it will be a non-uniform day next Friday, 24th March. Please send £1 donation which will be sent to the Red Nose Day appeal. Thank you. Warwickshire Wildlife Trust Toddler Session: Please see the back of the “What’s on” sheet for more information. . Reminder of tennis Club cancellation: Unfortunately our tennis teacher, John, will not be able to run the tennis club on Monday 20th March or Monday 27th March.
Limbrick News Diary dates: School Trips: Friday 24th March – Red Nose Day – non-uniform day – please bring £1 Monday 27th March – Biscuit sale for pupils – 10p per biscuit in aid of the Epilepsy Society Tuesday 28th March – Fire brigade visit to Nursery Friday 31st March – Silly Sock Day – Wear silly socks and bring a donation for Autism Anglia Wednesday 5th April – Dance Showcase by pupils in Y4, Y5 and Y6, 9.15am Friday 7th April – School closes for Easter holiday, 3.15pm Monday 24th April – Start of new term, children return to school Tuesday 2nd May to Thursday 4th May – Half price book fair Monday 1st May – Bank holiday, school closed School Trips: Unfortunately, due to budget cuts nationally, we will have to start asking parents for a 50% contribution towards children’s trips from 1st April. I hope that you have all appreciated the free trips that have been paid for by the school recently. New Faces: None this week Free Healthy Cooking Course: A free course will be starting on Monday 20th March at Tile Hill Library. It will run on a Monday from 1.30 to 3.30pm until 15th May. Please ring 0800 464 0699 for further details Letters this week: All pupils - National Funding Formula consultation All pupils - No nuts in school Costs: Dinner money: £2.10 per day £10.50 per week School Uniform: School Coats - £16.00 Fleeces - £13.50 Sweatshirts – £8.00 / £9.50 (depending on size) Book bags – £4.00 Pump bags – £4.00 Breakfast Club: £ 2.00 Per day After School Club: £ 5.50 Per day 100% Attendance and Punctuality: Our Year 3 class achieved 98.6% attendance this week, this was again a good achievement. Hopefully I will be able to report that one of our classes has achieved 100% attendance next week. There were 46 lates this week which affected 5 classes. Please ensure your children arrive at school on time. The bell goes at 8.55am. Children need to arrive at school between 8.45am and 8.55am, in order to undertake early morning work. Therefore we will continue to record poor punctuality. If children arrive after 8.55am, they will be recorded in the late book and their parents/carers will be asked to sign the late book and record the reason why. Mrs Devine will be closely monitoring children who are continuously late for school, offering support to those families who need it. If children are regularly late for school, then I will also ask parents/carers to attend a meeting with myself and the Children and Family First Team to address this issue more formally.