What role does family play in a community? A group of people living in the same place.
Synonyms also too little small thin slim cold chilly mistake error pretty beautiful silent quiet sad unhappy intelligent smart yell shout big huge or large
Initial or Final Consonant Vocabulary lamp l a m p
My mom buys a new lamp.
Double Initial or Final Consonant Vocabulary pond p o n d
We have fish in our pond.
Double Initial or Final Consonant Vocabulary vest v e s t
She will put on a green vest.
Double Initial or Final Consonant Vocabulary stamp s t a m p
These are stamps. This is a stamp.
HFW want w a n t
I want a cookie.
Daily Fix-It 1.- are Nick and friends. Gus good 1.- Nick and Gus are good friends. 1.- Gus and Nick are good friends. 2.- family pizza. eat I My and 2.- My family and I eat pizza. 3.- hard. kicks ball Tomas the 3.- Tomas kicks the ball hard.
To put things where people can see them. Amazing Word display To put things where people can see them.
I display my trophies where my friends can see them.