Applied Geospatial Science Masters Student + STEM Educator Donitza Ivanovich Applied Geospatial Science Masters Student + STEM Educator
Using Landsat remote sensing imagery to compare grazing patterns in Southwest, New Mexico.
In a Nutshell New sustainable grazing practices need to be implemented to adapt with the 15 year long drought in the Southwest that is predicted to increase in severity. (Cook, B.I; et al). Satellite imagery can easily monitor vegetation health of a large spatial area. Using near-infrared bands we can look at the photosynthesising levels of plants from space. In this study, I found that rangeland using rotational grazing methods was healthier than rangeland using continuous grazing methods, supporting claims that well-planned grazing is critical for the land. The Southwest is in a 15 year long drought that is predicted to increase in severity (Cook, B.I; et al). This directly affects the soil moisture, vegetation health, and water availability.
Normalized Difference Vegetation Index NDVI Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Healthy plants absorb most of the visible light and reflect most of the near-infrared light. Unhealthy plants reflect more visible light and less near infrared light. Basically a measure of photosynthesis emitted from plants. Because focus is in near-infared light the waves penetrating are down near chlorophyll absorbtion region and represents chlorophyll levels rather than water content Constantly Grazed Rangeland - 1,260 acres. Witnessed to always contain cattle. Rotated Rangeland - 4,533 acres. Uses “best pasture” rotational methods: irregularly moving cattle based on precipitation patterns while also attempting to match seasonal forage changes and allow pastures to be rested seasonally. NDVI: Normalized Vegetation Index: Basically a measure of photosynthesis emitted from plants.
Comparing Grazed to Rotated Land Z-test for two populations of equal means comparing Rotated Rangeland Points and Grazed Rangeland Points each year. Rotated Rangeland consistently showed a significant difference at a 95 and 99% confidence level except for 2009. This result appears to show rotational methods consistently have a higher NDVI value. There were 20,382 RRL observations and 5,781 GRL observations for each year.
NDVI Values and Precipitation in June
Further studies Ecological studies of communities using broad spatial application of remote sensing. Monitor changes in plant cover, soil, presence of invasive weed species. Analyze Spring vs Fall grasses. Feast/famine bluegrass flats neighbor on neighbor lands. Weight the grazing chart with days grazed and number of cattle on each section.