Bell Ringer 11/20 Please get out your Death of a Salesman summary. Make sure you have updated it to the point where we left off yesterday.
English III EQ: How do Arthur Miller’s choices about structure (particularly Willy’s day dreams of the past) influence how we interpret DoaS as a tragedy? Agenda Bell Ringer: Preparing the DoaS summary Agenda/EQ Reading Section 4 Watching Section 4 Summarizing Section 4 Assigning Parts for Section 5 Reading Section 5
Death of a Salesman Section 1 Beginning of Act 1 to the Woman’s appearance (pg. 11-38) Narrator: Mrs. Hockenberry Linda: Willy: Happy: Biff: Bernard:
Death of a Salesman Section 2 The Woman’s Appearance to the End of Act I (pg. 38-69) Narrator: Mrs. Hockenberry Willy: Linda: The Woman: Bernard: Happy: Biff: Charley: Ben:
Doas Section III Section 3: (71-94) Beginning of Act II to Charley’s Second Entrance. Willy Linda Howard Howard’s Wife and Children Ben Bernard Happy Biff
DoaS Section IV Charley’s Second Entrance to the End of the Restaurant Scene (95-122) Charley Bernard Willy Happy Stanley Girl/Miss Forsythe Biff Linda The Woman Letta
DoaS Section V Pg. 122 to the End of the Play (139) Linda Biff Happy Willy Ben Charley
Original Staging