Lesson 4: Work smart not hard
priming Helps get you into a great state via your TRIAD Brings oxygenation to your brain which releases endorphines Helps engage feelings of gratitude which also releases endorphines Helps you connect with your inner self Helps you focus on goals for your day HOW TO PRIME: Inhale 4 breaths in a row in a farily quick fashion through your nose. Immediately exhale 4 breaths in a row in the same tempo through mouth. Repeat 30 times and then breath normally. Do this 3 times. Ie. 3 sets of 30. In each do : first set think of 3 things you’re grateful for, second set, find your inner presence, and last focus on 3 things you want to accomplish today.
recap Why might we tend to have low standards in any given area of our lives? What can we trade for expectation for a happier life? What ritual can we perform to reprogram our subconscious consistently? Can you practice this with each area of your life?
Understanding your busyness what are you so busy doing? Is it fulfilling any of your life goals? How is that affecting you, your life, and those around you? And would you like to find a better way? Has anyone experienced this Busyness syndrome and can give an example? What’s is busyness? Where does it come from? Identity Triad Needs “Busy is that drug that a lot of people are addicted to.” - Rob Bell
Your choices UNDERSTAND THIS LIFESTYLE IS NOT SUSTAINABLE You have choices: Do nothing Continue the servitude to your to do’s and increase the load Start setting goals that have way more meaning and so big that you have to grow to become the person who can achieve them.
Create bhag’s Big Hairy Audacious Goals Choose the areas you want to create BHAGs for (wheel of life) Discover and Understand your status - No better, no worse Create high level goals that launch you into MASSIVE ACTION (lifetime, 10, 5, 3, 1 years) Set the why! The How will appear. “A goal without meaning is lifeless.” – Teany Hidalgo What will it mean to you to get it done and have this thing, or be outstanding at X? What might an ‘I AM’ statement be for this goal? Work Smart Not Hard by using tools to carry them out (see next page)
Tools An attitude of gratitude - say ‘I get to, not I have to’ (Gratitude) Make them SMART – Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely Chunk it - Create easy small steps to accomplish it, and even identify ppl that can help you get it done. And then Eat that Frog as Brian Tracy would say. Get it done! Gamify it Ex. Use Stickies to make it into a game, or have a rewards system Set your priming exercise every morning to get 3 done every day Get an accountability partner Find your yoda – Find someone who has done this before and is an expert.
exercise Choose the area of your wheel of life you want to work on. Discover where you are from 1-10 Create the vision around it (see below) Write down a few goals around it Choose the tools that will get you there with the most fun! "Success doesn't come from doing uncommon things well, it comes from doing common things uncommonly well.” EXAMPLE: My mission/vision: Freedom to be my own boss & create programs that change lives. Why: Make own schedule, to spend quality time with son, read/research, travel, relax/peace. Buy my own house with backyard for son and me. Concentrate on what brings me joy the most (not just happiness).
Homework Pick 3 goals that you want to move toward Define what steps need to be taken to accomplish it Chunk it into smaller steps Use priming, and other tools to take steps toward it everyday. E-mail me on your progress
Need your feedback As part of the pilot, please create a 30-60 second video clip: What have you learned that’s been most memorable so far? How will you use it in your life? What would tell someone who was interested in taking this class?