INCLUSIVE VALUE CHAIN COLLABORATION INCLUSIVE VALUE CHAIN COLLABORATION GAABIC UENR INCLUSIVE VALUE CHAIN COLLABORATION Inclusive value chain collaboration Developing a value proposition for the learning platform Kade, 12 July 2017
Developing a value proposition To facilitate collaborative learning and knowledge exchange
What is the problem? Comes from Yves presentation
Value proposition A good value proposition creates value for its “customers” It is about making clear what is the fit between the value you intend to create and the expectations your customers have. How you can help people achieve what they want to get done in their work and life? Ideally you develop a value proposition based on thorough knowledge of your customers. Developing a value proposition will help structure your thinking and make your ideas more tangible. A value proposition makes clear what your organisation has to offer to the customers (target group) and why the customers are better off when dealing with your organisation. It answers your customers’ question ‘What’s in it for me?’ Strategyzer is an online learning platform. The Business Model Canvas is a strategic management and entrepreneurial tool. It allows you to describe, design, challenge, invent, and pivot your business model. It can also be used to develop proposals. The Business Model Canvas has 9 building blocks. The starting point in developing the Business Model Canvas is the Value Proposition and the Customer segments
Key questions for developing a value proposition What is the idea? How does it help the customer What are special features of the proposition that will attract the customer? What kind of knowledge would we like to share? Who are the customers?
Develop value proposition for LP – step 1 In groups of 2/3 discuss 5 minutes What you think is the added value of the learning platform? For whom in particular?
What are the pains & gains of your customer(s)? – step 2 Customer jobs: what kind of jobs do your customers do? Pains: what pains (challenges, hindrances) do your customers encounter before, during and after getting the job done? Gains: what benefits would your customers expect, desire or be surprised by? We make a list flip-over with pains and gains for different customers (sticky notes)
Refine your value proposition – step 3
What are important features of our value proposition and who is customer? …. Are we on track?
Co-design How do we want to move forward? What are ideas? Who can play a role? And what kind of role? What kind of (additional) activities can we think of? What are challenges? How can we deal with these? How can we work towards a LP that is self-sustaining? Is heteen model van kennisdelen die we willen voortzetten? Gekoopeled aan intro: als je nou kort een aanduiding moet geven voor waarde van LP: noem 3 kenmerken die esntieel zijn Mirjam: terughalen van platform deel van groter project Yves: learning environment and gaps and challenges is het LP een model dat een deel van challenges kan ondervangen? als we het eens zijn dat het LP interessant is? En we willen het institutionaliseren? Wie kan daar een rol bijspelen? Hoe dan Met welke Kennis Met welke actoren Klanten Mismatch Waar ontbreekt de kennis Waar lopen ze tegen aan? Is learning platform een rol? Buzz Voor wie Welk doel Wat voor kennis Met die blik Zijn we op de goede weg? Goede weg? Kunnen die een rol spelen Co-design Wat houden we en anders
Action-plan Milestone What actions can we take the coming 12 months? How can we make the LP (activities) self-reliant? What are milestones? Who does what?