GOOD AFTERNOON, 8TH PERIOD! PLEASE PICK UP A SHEET FROM THE TABLE WRITE AND COMPLETE QUESTIONS (1-17). NO PENCIL,USE BLUE OR BLACK INK. REGENTS OF THE UNIV. OF CAL. V. BAKKE “It upheld_____________________________ _______________policy.” How many seats were set aside for minority students? 3. Why did proponents deem Affirmative Action necessary? 4. Why was Allan P. Bakke denied admission into medical school? DO NOT WRITE ON MY PAPER!
GOOD AFTERNOON, 8TH PERIOD! PLEASE PICK UP A SHEET FROM THE TABLE WRITE AND COMPLETE QUESTIONS (1-17). NO PENCIL,USE BLUE OR BLACK INK. REGENTS OF THE UNIV. OF CAL. V. BAKKE How many Supreme Court Justices are there? Who wrote the judgment of the court? In what year was the Civil Rights Act passed? What is the date that this case was decided? In what year was Brown v. Board of Education decided? DO NOT WRITE ON MY PAPER!
GOOD AFTERNOON, 8TH PERIOD! PLEASE PICK UP A SHEET FROM THE TABLE WRITE AND COMPLETE QUESTIONS (1-17). NO PENCIL,USE BLUE OR BLACK INK. REGENTS OF THE UNIV. OF CAL. V. BAKKE “Title VI _________________________ __________federal funding.” Which court case dealt with busing students in order to desegregate school systems? In what year was the University of California’s Davis School of medicine founded? How large was the initial entering class and how many seats were set aside for minorities? DO NOT WRITE ON MY PAPER!
GOOD AFTERNOON, 8TH PERIOD! PLEASE PICK UP A SHEET FROM THE TABLE WRITE AND COMPLETE QUESTIONS (1-17). NO PENCIL,USE BLUE OR BLACK INK. REGENTS OF THE UNIV. OF CAL. V. BAKKE Who was twice denied admission to the University of Washington School of Law? How old was Bakke when he applied to twelve medical schools in 1973? How long was Bakke in Vietnam? Why was Bakke late applying to UC Davis in 1973? DO NOT WRITE ON MY PAPER!