Successful Event Planning
Where Do I Begin? It starts with an Idea… Next establish clearly defined goals: High Profit - fundraising High Turnout Communicating a Message Write everything down somewhere.
Get Help Determine who can help you meet your goals Who to contact… Identify a Student Activities Manager or Graduate Assistant to assist in the development and preparation of your goals. Who to contact… Peers, student leaders, former executive board members The Student Association Executive Board SAM’s & GA’s Staff, Faculty, and Advisors Seek co-sponsorship with departments, faculty and other student organizations Lexi to cover this slide- discuss who are the SAMs and GA’s- and their areas of responsibility Share office hours
Setting a Date Know your Audience Plan around your schedule Be sure to check possible dates for events with similar goals or themes. Plan around your schedule Find a time and date when the greatest number of members of your group can attend Plan all events well in advance Based on gathering supplies, event planning needs (such as contracts), form deadlines and advertising
Getting a Space Determine which room or location would best suit your needs for the event you are planning Using R25 Log on to Click “Request an Event” Log in Fill out all details relative to your event (A/V, food service, facilities, Security, Transportation) You will receive an immediate response generated from R25 accepting your request- THIS IS NOT AN EVENT CONFIRMATION! A formal event confirmation will be emailed to you from a member of the University staff. When the reservation is confirmed keep the Confirmation number.
Preparation is Essential Prepare to File Paperwork Assess level of risk associated with your program Check with SDCA staff to make sure Vendors are approved Determine whether a contract will be necessary Determine Chaperone, Security and Transportation needs for events Have Event Confirmation # and details ready Set up a meeting with one of the SDCA Graduate Assistants or Student Activities Managers How will you assess and address the reduction of risk as associated with your intended event- have you thought about the worst case scenario- what planning preparation and membership will assist in alleviating these concerns.
BMS Requests Log onto and proceed to the Treasury tab, then select Budget Have all of the information compiled, prior to attempting to fill out a BMS request Upload all invoices, receipts, contract documents, etc with your BMS request. Remember to stay in contact Vice President of Finance SDCA Staff Faculty or Staff Advisor New users to the BMS system should seek to make an appointment with the VP for Finance Brian Keegan
Completing a BMS Request Fill out all areas as completely as possible Any missing information may be a basis for the BMS Request to be denied Areas of Caution Event Confirmation Calculating transportation Security and Chaperones Missing or incomplete uploaded documentation Proper naming of the BMS request EX. SDCA’s Budget should be SDCA’s Holiday Party Budget Be as specific as possible with each request, line item and categorical request area
Revenue Guidelines Any revenue collected for any event or donation – MUST be taken to the SDCA office within 24hrs of your event and placed in the safe in Caity’s office! Please look at the envelope on the safe as a guide as how to label your revenue submission. You must have an SDCA staff member initial the submission. It is preferred that you use 123SignUp Please indicate on your request whether or not the organization intends to receive revenue as part of their program. This will assist in transparency and the ultimate approval of funds from the SA Senate.