How do we learn to be part of our society? Education in Britain How do we learn to be part of our society?
Types of education Formal education takes place in schools and colleges. Informal education is learned as we live our lives The difference is that formal education is tested and informal is not.
Why does the education system change? Political reasons – Governments often want educational change to show that they are doing their job. Economic reasons – Schools and colleges are expensive for a country. Social reasons – Ideas about education change regularly.
How has the system changed? Parents have more power and can choose schools There is a wider variety of schools. There is a national curriculum which all children learn. Schools have a more professional and business style.
What is the hidden curriculum? We may learn things in school that no-one intended to teach. We are not aware it happens. Sexism from books, peer group and teachers Racism from books and the curriculum Fibbing to survive school life
Who influences us? We may not succeed if we are from a poor background because we do not have the material things we need: Good food A space to work Books and computers Money for a tutor
Who else affects us? We may not succeed if we are from a poor background because we do not have the cultural things that help us. Access to information Knowledge of how the system works Lots of conversations and toys at home Understanding of how to behave
And teachers …? Teachers can affect our success. Without realising it, they may label us as ‘bright’ or ‘naughty’ and we behave according to the labels. We can influence those labels, but once they are in place, they tend to stick to us and it is difficult to change them.
Other pupils … ? Everyone wants to fit in to the norms and values of their peer groups. We dress the same, have similar fashions in music, styles of hair and ideas about the world. If we mix with rebels, we may act like them and this will prevent us succeeding according to school rules.
Effect of education? There are plenty of places you can be educated, but it is easier in school than in later life. Educated people usually earn more, live longer and have easier lives than less educated people. Professional people encourage their children to be educated because they know these things.
The end The moral of the story is that you need to work hard in school to do well and have an easier life. Mr Pitcher