Written Communication Letter Email
first name+last name No +street+road… city+ province (state) country first name+last name No +street+road… city+ province (state) country
Shande Xu 150, Shihshung Road Taipei, Taiwan, 111 ROC Yuying Chang 25, Taiyi Street, Tamshi Taipei, Taiwan, 251 R. O. C.
A Letter for A Pen Pal
Date #2 Salutation, Body Complimentary close Signature
Another format Full block 齊頭式 Date Salutation body postscript April 1,2004 Dear John: Dear John, oh, how I hate to write! Dear John, I must let you know tonight that my love for you has died away like grass upon the lawn. And tonight I wed another, dearJohn. P.S. His name is George. Yours, Mary Full block 齊頭式 Another format Date Salutation body postscript Complimentary close signature
April 15, 2001 Dear Ruth, I’m glad to be your little guardian angel. And the following weeks, I will do my best to take much care of you. Please see and wait! This is the first time I write to you, and also the first time I write in English. Maybe I can’t write it well, but I will try. Let me tell you …. Love, Eunice
Your Turn
Step 1: Press the icon of Compose Mail
Step 1: Press the icon of Compose Mail Step 2: The recipient’s email address
Step 1: Press the icon of Compose Mail Step 2: The recipient’s email address Step 3: The subject you want to inform
Step 4: Body Step 1: Press the icon of Compose Mail Step 2: The recipient’s email address Step 3: The subject you want to inform Step 4: Body
Did you learn how to write a letter or an email? Now, write one to your host, Little Guardian Angel!