G AMES IN THE L ANGUAGE C LASSROOM Katie Bain English Language Fellow elfellowkbain.wordpress.com
Q UESTIONS TO CONSIDER Why should we (or shouldn’t we) use games in the classroom? How should we select appropriate learning games? What are some games that could be helpful in the classroom? What other questions do you have?
A GREE OR D ISAGREE ? The classroom should be a serious and quiet place at all times so that students can learn the most possible. Games should be used every day. If you’re not sure what to do for your lesson, use a game! Children might feel nervous if they are asked to compete in a game, so you should not use games. Competition is not appropriate for the classroom. Competition is fun and can be used appropriately.
W HY SHOULD WE USE GAMES IN THE CLASSROOM ? 1. Games are FUN! They help to lower the affective filter. 2. Games are MOTIVATING! They intrinsically pique interest as students learn through play. 3. Games are CHALLENGING! They can challenge students to be responsible for their learning and knowledge in a new way. 4. Games are INTERACTIVE! They inherently create situations in which students interact with each other. 5. Games are REPETITIVE!
H OW SHOULD WE SELECT APPROPRIATE LEARNING GAMES ? 1. Choose your language and/or content objective. 2. Plan for assessment. How will you ask students to show what they have learned in your lesson? What exactly will students be able to do at the end of the lesson? 3. Create a game or use a game that someone else has created that will allow your students to meet that objective. 4. Consider the materials and time that you will need. Make sure to leave time at the end for reflection on the game as a class. 5. Play the game with your students!
G AME 1: G RAMMAR B OARD R ACE Board Race Video Questions 1. What is the objective of the lesson? 2. Did the students meet the objective? 3. Would you use this game in your classroom? 4. How could you change this game to make it more appropriate for your context?
G AME 2: M IRROR W ORDS Mirror Words Questions 1. What is the objective of the lesson? 2. Did the students meet the objective? 3. Would you use this game in your classroom? 4. How could you change this game to make it more appropriate for your context?
G AME 3: P ASS THE B ALL TO L EARN V OCABULARY Ball Game Questions 1. What is the objective of the lesson? 2. Did the students meet the objective? 3. Would you use this game in your classroom? 4. How could you change this game to make it more appropriate for your context?
G AME 4: T HE M ONEY G AME The Money Game Questions 1. What is the objective of the lesson? 2. Did the students meet the objective? 3. Would you use this game in your classroom? 4. How could you change this game to make it more appropriate for your context?
G AME 5: T EACHER S AYS Teacher Says Questions 1. What is the objective of the lesson? 2. Did the students meet the objective? 3. Would you use this game in your classroom? 4. How could you change this game to make it more appropriate for your context?
G AME 6: V OCABULARY R EVIEW G AME Vocabulary Review Game Questions 1. What is the objective of the lesson? 2. Did the students meet the objective? 3. Would you use this game in your classroom? 4. How could you change this game to make it more appropriate for your context?
G AME 7: T OUCH AND G O G AME Touch and Go Game Questions 1. What is the objective of the lesson? 2. Did the students meet the objective? 3. Would you use this game in your classroom? 4. How could you change this game to make it more appropriate for your context?
G AME 8: S HAKE DANCE G AME Shake and Dance Game Questions 1. What is the objective of the lesson? 2. Did the students meet the objective? 3. Would you use this game in your classroom? 4. How could you change this game to make it more appropriate for your context?
G AME 10: C HARADES Charades Questions 1. What is the objective of the lesson? 2. Did the students meet the objective? 3. Would you use this game in your classroom? 4. How could you change this game to make it more appropriate for your context?
G AME 8: T ABOO Questions 1. What is the objective of the lesson? 2. Did the students meet the objective? 3. Would you use this game in your classroom? 4. How could you change this game to make it more appropriate for your context?
G AME 9: C ROCODILE G AME &feature=related Questions 1. What is the objective of the lesson? 2. Did the students meet the objective? 3. Would you use this game in your classroom? 4. How could you change this game to make it more appropriate for your context?
THANK YOU! Katie Bain elfellowkbain.wordpress.com