The Goal-Setting Process Categories Mental Social Physical Types 1) Short-Term Day(s), a Week 2) Long-Term Weeks, Month(s), Year(s) 3) Enabling goals
The 6 Steps to Goal-Setting 1 – Write down a S.M.A.R.T. goal
1) Write down a S.M.A.R.T. goal Specific: Be specific about your goal Measurable: Be able to measure the results Attainable: Is it within your reach? Reasonable or Realistic for you to be able to do this? Timeframe: Put a time limit to your goal
How do I write a S.M.A.R.T. goal? Specific Make it a power statement! Don’t be “wimpy” about it “Someday, I want to …” What exactly is it you want to do? My goal: Lose weight “I will lose …” Measurable How much? How many? Can you measure it? “I will lose 25 lbs …”
Writing a S.M.A.R.T. goal (cont) Attainable Is it something you actually CAN do? Is it Reasonable or Realistic Are you Willing and Able to do it? You might be one or the other, but it takes BOTH Are there Conflicts? Lose weight vs Gain muscle 1-2 lbs / week Timeframe (“I will lose 25 lbs by June 4”)
“I will lose 25 lbs by June 4.” Writing a S.M.A.R.T. goal We went from writing a weak goal … “Ya’ know, someday I’ll get into better shape.” To a POWERFUL goal… “I will lose 25 lbs by June 4.”
The 6 Steps to Goal-Setting 1 – Write down a S.M.A.R.T. goal 2 – List steps necessary to reach goal
2) List necessary steps To lose 25 lbs, I need to … Eat better Write the steps necessary to reach your goal To lose 25 lbs, I need to … Eat better Breakfast every morning Pack a lunch Work out in my THRZ 4x/week Schedule workouts When do I have time? Reward workouts
Step 2 (cont.): Create to-do list and Enabling Goals I will schedule workouts in Blackberry by Feb. 1 I will set a reminder in my Blackberry for lunches/breakfast To-Do: Schedule workouts Figure out game day problems Make lunch at night Have breakfast ready for morning Work out before PS3 Fruit only, after 7:30
The 6 Steps to Goal-Setting 1 – Write down a S.M.A.R.T. goal 2 – List steps necessary to reach goal 3 – Get help & support
3) Get help & support What items/things will help you reach your goal? Who will help you reach your goal? Who will support you along the way?
Step 3 (cont.): Help & Support What items/things will help me? Blackberry P90X workouts Who will help me? Friends Who will support me? Students Family
The 6 Steps to Goal-Setting 1 – Write down a S.M.A.R.T. goal 2 – List steps necessary to reach goal 3 – Get help & support 4 – Identify & Overcome obstacles & distractions
4) Identify & Overcome Obstacles What obstacles could get in the way of achieving your goals? What’s an obstacle? What are your distractions? Who could get in the way of achieving your goal? HAVE A PLAN TO OVERCOME OR GET AROUND THESE!
4 (cont.): Obstacles/Distractions & Plan My plan to overcome: 1 – Form new habits (make lunch/breakfast at night, etc …) 2 – Get out of my comfort bubble 3 – Follow the schedule 4 – “JUST DO IT” Obstacles & Distractions: 1 – Habits 2 – Lazy/Comfortable 3 – Age / Pain 4 – Game days
The 6 Steps to Goal-Setting 1 – Write down a S.M.A.R.T. goal 2 – List steps necessary to reach goal 3 – Get help & support 4 – Identify & Overcome obstacles & distractions 5 – Evaluate/Track your progress regularly
5) Evaluate your progress regularly How will you know that you are on track? These work well … Log (Writing stuff) Chart (Charting stuff) Calendar (Checking stuff)
5 (cont.): Evaluate/Track Progress Weekly weigh-in Weekly measurements Chart on wall: X out workouts
The 6 Steps to Goal-Setting 1 – Write down a S.M.A.R.T. goal 2 – List steps necessary to reach goal 3 – Get help & support 4 – Identify & Overcome obstacles & distractions 5 – Evaluate/Track your progress regularly 6 – Reward yourself
6) Reward yourself! Think BIG! Celebrate your success!!! When will you reward yourself along the way? How will you reward yourself along the way? How will you reward yourself when you achieve the BIG GOAL? Think BIG! Celebrate your success!!!
6 (cont.): Rewards For every week I follow my workout schedule, I will allow myself 1 hour of PS3 on weekends. When I lose 25 lbs, I will feel and look better. Losing 25 lbs will help me live longer.
The 6 Steps to Goal-Setting 1 – Write down a S.M.A.R.T. goal 2 – List steps necessary to reach goal 3 – Get help & support 4 – Identify & Overcome obstacles & distractions 5 – Evaluate/Track your progress regularly 6 – Reward yourself