Do you have your lanyard? Welcome to GCSE English at East Coast College Please get your folders, check your targets Do you have your lanyard?
How many words can you make out of … Gritney Spears No 2 letter words allowed! What’s your estimate?
Christmas Vacancies … Homebase in Pakefield are advertising three part-time vacancies
English and Maths Open Door Sessions
Please don’t forget to enter the ‘Name the 410B Reindeer’ competition!
‘How is the text structured to interest you as a reader?’ This morning’s task will be looking at P1 Q3 – The ‘Structure’ question Working in groups, you are going to ‘map out’ the structure of a source document – we will be using the one from the November mock – Alfred and the rat. ‘How is the text structured to interest you as a reader?’
By the end of the session … In your group, you will be able to name at least 5 things that can be considered when discussing the structure of a text – Answers on a post-it You will also be able to explain two reasons why a writer may choose to include some of these methods – what is the point of it, what do we, as the reader, gain from it? Again, on a post-it For later … You will also be re-writing a response to Q3 again before Christmas, aiming to get more marks than you did in the October mock.
I want us to try and imagine that a drone is flying over the scene of our text …
In your groups gather your equipment … You will need Your Paper 1 Source Document ‘Propping up the Line’ and questions A roll of wallpaper Some coloured pens, highlighters etc. Lego? Play Dough? These will be taken away if you start modelling the cast of The Walking Dead’ or similar
The examiner wants to check that we know … P1 Q3 - Structure The examiner wants to check that we know … What happens? Where? and most importantly Why?
Imagine you have a drone, what will you make a map of? Characters – who comes in, who goes out? Time of day – Does it change, is it relevant? Place – Does the setting give us pre-conceived ideas of what will happen? Emotion – If a character is showing any, why? What’s the weather like, does it change, what might is suggest? Is there any dialogue? If so, is what they say relevant? Flash-forwards / Flashbacks? Why, what information do they give us? Does something appear, happen at the start which is repeated at the end? Narrator – 1st / 3rd person? Does the text zoom in on something or zoom out? Why change focus? Are there repeated words or phrases? Again, if so, why?
Things you should do … P1, Q3 Mark the lines numbers on your wallpaper Make a note of when a structure change occurs – what the change is and, most importantly, why you think the author did it. What benefit to us, the reader, is it? Things you could do … Draw a graph of what happens when Take photos Use you phone or the i-pad to make a video – like a drone Or – any other way you wish to present your answers
By the end of the session … In your group, you will be able to name at least 5 things that can be considered when discussing the structure of a text – Answers on a post-it You will also be able to explain two reasons why a writer may choose to include some of these methods – what is the point of them, what do we, as the reader, gain from it? Again, on a post-it
Do you have your lanyard? Welcome to GCSE English at East Coast College Please get your folders, check your targets Do you have your lanyard?
Why is this ladder here? Describe what could be seen or heard on the other side of the wall.
GCSE SP&L Project This session will be about completing your SP&L Project. You will have self study periods etc. to get it ready for presentation next week. Please refer to lesson slides on Moodle for guidance about presentation and the AQA criteria.
By the end of the session … Be able to show a completed presentation – or one which is almost ready and can be tweaked in self study sessions.