Interpretation Book Clubs Grounding Your Thinking in Text and Carrying it with You as You Read On Interpretation Book Clubs
Think about your Writing Looking at all the writing you have done about your reading, flag the parts that you think are the best
Think about your Writing Looking at all the writing you have done about your reading, flag the parts that you think are the best Why are these working as good writing?
Teaching Point Today I want to teach you that once readers settle on an idea about a text worth developing, they think, “Where does this idea live in the text?” Then they reread those selected passages extremely closely, expecting each to be a gold mine of new insights related to their initial idea.
To develop ideas, Readers…
Old Words, New Words We are like a cow and a goat, Kek is describing his relationship with Dave. We are like a cow and a goat, wanting to be friends but wondering if it can ever be.
Lessons Number one, he says, Always lock your door Lessons Number one, he says, Always lock your door. Ganwar show Kek what a key looks like. In my old home, my real home, my father kept us safe. We had no need for locks. Number two, he says, this is a light switch. He pushes a tiny stick on the wall and the room turns to night. my real home, the sun gave us light, and the stars watched us sleep. This thermostat, Dave says, helps keep you warm. He pretends to shiver to paint a picture for his words. Lessons In my old home, my real home, we were a family, and our laughter kept us warm. We didn’t need a magic switch on a wall. I nod to say yes, I understand, but I wonder if I will ever understand, even if Dave stands here, pointing and talking forever.
Writing to add on to, not take away from First, think about the ideas that are already in play around your book Next, read, knowing you’ll have time later to reread selected passages in which your ideas live (flag those areas). Finally, look at the rate you’ve been reading at, you should be at around page 200 by now, at least. If you aren’t, you may need to step up and find more time to read.
Using higher-level thought prompts share Using higher-level thought prompts
homework Tonight for homework, continue reading your independent reading book or the book you chose to reread. As you read, continue the process you worked on today. As you read, refer to the chart you used in class and jot ideas on Post-its or in your notebook. To Develop Ideas, Readers . . . • Read, generating many ideas about the text. Choose one idea to develop. • Think, “Where does this idea live in the text?” and locate passages where the idea “lives.” • Reread a passage, mining it for new insights about the idea. Repeat with another passage.