Water We all need water
What do we use water for? When did you use water today?
How we get water
How others get water Video 1 http://www.charitywater.org/whywater/
Getting water -Some have to walk to collect water -Some will pump water from a near by lake or well -Some use water tanks (collects rain water and can pump in limited city water) http://www.bermigopoll.org/the-bermigo-plan-in-detail/shared-resources/shared-water-resources
How Winnipeg Gets water Water comes from Shoal Lake Winnipeg Treats and Tests the Water Then it gets transferred via underground pipes to your house Water is taken from your home and treated before being put back into the water table
https://www. google. ca/search https://www.google.ca/search?q=how+water+gets+polluted&safe=strict&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiCgbf2ndvSAhXm6YMKHc9AAK4Q_AUICCgB&biw=1607&bih=947#safe=strict&tbm=isch&q=causes+of+water+pollution&*&imgrc=RrqZl1Fg4ElvBM:
The challenge of Getting Clean Water A Canadian Example Video 2 Warning: Some strong language https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/canadas-waterless-communities-neskantaga
What stands out to you? Getting water dose not mean it is safe Canada struggles with getting clean water to everyone How does not having cleaning water affect a community?