Подготовил: Радионова К.В. «Transport» Подготовил: Радионова К.В.
Vocabulary activiser Read the statements and check that you remember the words in italics. Say if you agree or disagree. Key vocabulary: pedestrians speed limit license 60 kilometer zone back seat to wear a seatbelts child restraint traveling in a vehicle wearing helmets to stick to the speed limit traffic accident to go too fast car crash to survive 1)Road speed limits are used in most countries to regulate the speed of road vehicles. 2) In Russia driving license are given to the people over 14 years old. 3) Passengers who don’t wear seat belts have more chances to survive in traffic accidents. 4) Children are better to be placed on back seats and be restrained. 5) In a forty kilometers zone a driver should stick to the speed limit and drive less that 40 km per hour. 6) It is not necessary for pedestrians to know traffic rules.
Discussing What aspect of using transport is reflected in statements? Transport is very useful invention!!! Transport is one of the main means of traveling in modern world To follow the speed limit is not necessary. Roads are dangerous, so we must follow the traffic rules to be safe!!! Traffic accidents are not so serious to wear seat belts. Driving without traffic rules is funny!!!
Listening Watch the episode Listening Watch the episode. Try to understand text from the first listening. If necessary make notes. Key vocabulary: road speed limit license 60 kilometer zone back seat to wear a seat belts traveling in a vehicle to be in trouble to stick to the speed limit traffic accident to go too fast car crash to survive, survivor
Listening Fill in the gaps. Key vocabulary: car crash speed limit license 60 kilometer zone back seat to wear a seat belt traveling in a vehicle to be in trouble to stick to the speed limit traffic accident to go too fast to survive, survivor Policeman: Can I see your________ please? Steve: Here you are. I’m sorry officer, what’s the problem? P: I’m afraid you are travelling at seventy kilometres per hour in a sixty ______________. Also, I see you have a passenger in the _________ who was not wearing a __________. Do you know that you must wear a __________ when you’re travelling in a ____________? S: I’m sorry. I forgot. P: Look, just stick to ______________, okay? S: Thank you officer. Thank you so much. P: But that’s no excuse for not wearing a seat belt.
Listening Check your answers filling in the gaps. Key vocabulary: road speed limit license 60 kilometer zone back seat to wear a seatbelts, helmet traveling in a vehicle to be in trouble to stick to the speed limit traffic accident to go too fast car crash to survive Policeman: Can I see your licence please? Steve: Here you are. I’m sorry officer, what’s the problem? P: I’m afraid you are travelling at seventy kilometres per hour in a sixty kilometer zone. Also, I see you have a passenger in the back seat who was not wearing a seat belt. Do you know that you must wear a seat belt when you’re travelling in a vehicle? S: I’m sorry. I forgot. P: Look, just stick to the speed limit, okay? S: Thank you officer. Thank you so much. P: But that’s no excuse for not wearing a seat belt.
Discussing cases Skim the articles. Fill the table. Key vocabulary: pedestrian cyclist child restraint car crash speed limit license 60 kilometers zone back seat to wear a seatbelts, helmets traveling in a vehicle to be in trouble to stick to the speed limit traffic accident to go too fast Key vocabulary: pedestrian cyclist child restraint car crash speed limit license 60 kilometers zone back seat to wear a seatbelts, helmets traveling in a vehicle to be in trouble to stick to the speed limit traffic accident to go too fast Road deaths Road injuries Victims Causes Key to saving lives
Discussing cases Skim the articles. Fill the table. Key vocabulary: pedestrian cyclist child restraint car crash speed limit license 60 kilometers zone back seat to wear a seatbelts, helmets traveling in a vehicle to be in trouble to stick to the speed limit traffic accident to go too fast Road deaths Road injuries Victims Causes Key to saving lives
Statistics 1 Do you want to drive a car in the future? Key vocabulary: car crash speed limit license 60 kilometers zone back seat to wear a seatbelts traveling in a vehicle to be in trouble to stick to the speed limit traffic accident to go too fast
Statistics 2 Do your parents wear a seat belts? Key vocabulary: car crash speed limit license 60 kilometers zone back seat to wear a seatbelts traveling in a vehicle to be in trouble to stick to the speed limit traffic accident to go too fast
Statistics 3. Do your parents use the child restraint? Key vocabulary: pedestrians speed limit license 60 kilometer zone back seat to wear a seatbelts child restraint traveling in a vehicle wearing helmets to stick to the speed limit traffic accident to go too fast car crash to survive
Statistics 4. Do your parents drive faster than the speed limit? Key vocabulary: pedestrians speed limit license 60 kilometer zone back seat to wear a seatbelts child restraint traveling in a vehicle wearing helmets to stick to the speed limit traffic accident to go too fast car crash to survive