View of the main house from waterfront Hallstrom Drive Property Photos 11815 10th Avenue NW, Gig Harbor Parcels: 0222284055, 0222284038 & 0222284008 View of the main home located at 11815 10th Ave NW (parcel 022284055) from the end of the driveway pavement of the road (looking north) View of the main house from waterfront
(looking north from deck of main house) Hallstrom Drive Property Photos 11815 10th Avenue NW, Gig Harbor Parcels: 0222284055, 0222284038 & 0222284008 View of the main home (looking north ) View of the waterfront (looking north from deck of main house)
Main House Living Room and Balcony Main House Dining Area and Kitchen Hallstrom Drive Property Photos 11815 10th Avenue NW, Gig Harbor Parcels: 0222284055, 0222284038 & 0222284008 Main House Living Room and Balcony Main House Dining Area and Kitchen
Hallstrom Drive Property Photos 11815 10th Avenue NW, Gig Harbor Parcels: 0222284055, 0222284038 & 0222284008 Master Bedroom Foundation
Storage room with boarded up window Hallstrom Drive Property Photos 11815 10th Avenue NW, Gig Harbor Parcels: 0222284055, 0222284038 & 0222284008 Storage room with boarded up window View of back of the main house. Storage room is boarded up
Hallstrom Drive Property Photos 11815 10th Avenue NW, Gig Harbor Parcels: 0222284055, 0222284038 & 0222284008 Slope behind main house (looking north ) Collapsed House on middle parcel (tax parcel 0222284038) ( view looking north from main parcel)
Hallstrom Drive Property Photos 11815 10th Avenue NW, Gig Harbor Parcels: 0222284055, 0222284038 & 0222284008 Close up of Collapsed Home Hillside above middle parcel near collapsed House (looking east)
Hallstrom Drive Property Photos 11815 10th Avenue NW, Gig Harbor Parcels: 0222284055, 0222284038 & 0222284008 Northern parcel with trailer tax parcel 0222284008 (taken from the waterfront looking west) Close up of trailer on Northern parcel
View of slope of property near existing landing and turn around area Hallstrom Drive Property Photos 11815 10th Avenue NW, Gig Harbor Parcels: 0222284055, 0222284038 & 0222284008 Private Road on northern parcel leading to house. (looking east, existing landing and turn around area is at the bottom to the left, private road system continues to the right) View of slope of property near existing landing and turn around area
Private Drive (from staging area up the hill towards 10th) Hallstrom Drive Property Photos 11815 10th Avenue NW, Gig Harbor Parcels: 0222284055, 0222284038 & 0222284008 Private Drive (from staging area up the hill towards 10th) Private Road Section That Was Repaired (from private road looking north to the staging area)
Hallstrom Drive Property Photos 11815 10th Avenue NW, Gig Harbor Parcels: 0222284055, 0222284038 & 0222284008 View of private road that was repaired (from staging area looking south) View of private road from main residence at the bottom of the hill (looking south, Graham residence is to the left)