Digital Citizenship
Surveys Question 1: Question 2: How often do you access the internet? Daily Monthly Weekly Question 2: Where do you have access to the internet? Home Campus Other
Question 3: What device do you prefer to use to access the internet? PC Smartphone Tablet Other Question 4: What do you use the internet for? Social Education
Question 5: How would you rate your skills level when accessing the internet? Good Moderate Poor
Graphs and Results
Questions What did the survey show in terms of accessibility? The results showed that 100% of the students at my campus have access to the internet on a daily basis. Did all students surveyed have access to the internet? No, not all students have access to the internet outside of campus, 73.33% do and 13.33% do not have access outside of campus. If not, why do you think this is the case? Some students may not be able afford to have internet at home.
If so, what was the most common means of access? A Smartphone is the most used to access the internet. Did everyone have the same level of skill in using technology? No, some students had good skills and some had moderate skills when accessing the internet. Was there a correlation between the level of access available and skills? Yes there is the correlation because many people have access to the internet, therefore more students will have the appropriate skills to access the internet.