Digital Citizenship POE
Q1. Where are you when you use the internet Q1. Where are you when you use the internet?(check all boxes that apply)
Question 1 Answer responses and percentages.
Q2. where about do you have access to the internet most often Q2. where about do you have access to the internet most often? (check all boxes that apply)
Question 2 answer choices and percentage responses.
Q3. How would you prefer to access the internet?
Question 3 answer choices and responses.
Q4. which of the following devices do you prefer most to connect to the internet?
Question 4 answer choices and response percentages
Q5. How would you rate your knowledge regarding the use of the internet?
Question 5 answer choices and response percentage
What did the survey show in terms of accessibility? the survey has shown that students connect to the internet most frequently through the use of a smartphone and are most likely able to connect to the internet via Wi-Fi at home.
Did all the students surveyed have access to the internet outside of the campus? Yes, many of the students had access to the internet through other means e.g. connecting through mobile data and using their home Wi-Fi
if so, what was their most common means of access? Their most common means of access was through their smartphones and connecting it at home.
Did socio-economic factors play a role in your findings? Socio-economic factors did indeed play a role in my findings as people are from different locations with different weather as well as environmental patterns.
Did everyone have the same level of skill in using technology? No, their level of skill varied from 10%-50%
Was the a correlation between the level of access available and skills? No, there was no correlation between the level of skill and access available.