Instructional Budget Purchasing Open PO Order Forms
Step by step 1. Fill out Open PO Order Form – No line is optional. 2. Approved by Principal 3. Sent to Sam Heflin for P-Card limit increase 4. Sent to P-card holder responsible for making purchase 5. Order placed 6. Open PO Order Form attached to receipt and included with P-card statement.
Changes Log Sheets no longer required. Principals no longer required to send in summary log sheets. Open PO Order Forms must list the cardholder who will be making the purchase. Requestor MUST ensure the vendor accepts tax-exempt Visa before sending in order for approval. Regular P-cards (Not declining balance) will have a $1 limit and will be increased with an Open PO Order Form before each purchase. Classroom teacher declining balance cards will start with $250 and can be increased for school instructional budget purchases with Open PO Order Forms.
What will not change POs will expire March 15, 2017 With the extra step of getting increases, earlier expenditures are encouraged. Declining balance cards will be turned off at 8 AM on March 16, 2017 P-card reports are due on the 10th of each month. You will not be permitted to purchase technology or copy paper with instructional POs. Technology orders are to be requested with a formal Requisition, and will be . Teachers have $250 to spend on classroom supplies as they wish, without approval or Open PO Order Forms. Incomplete P-card reports will be returned with Notices listing deficiencies. P-cards will be blocked until complete P-card Reports are received. All State and County purchasing codes apply. Supervisors must review and sign all statements. Every transaction requires a VALID receipt.
Open po order forms will be returned if… Budget is not listed. Form is not approved by Principal. Card to be increased is not listed. Items requested are not in compliance with PO being used. Amount of increase requested is in excess of PO balance allowed. Cardholder identified to make purchase not in good standing. Purchase in violation of county or state purchasing policy. Request is not on a new Open PO Order Form.