Welcome to our Annual General Meeting September 2017


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to our Annual General Meeting 2016-17 28 September 2017

Welcome to our AGM Programme for the afternoon Welcome and housekeeping Introductions to NEW Devon CCG AGM 17.30pm Review of 2016-17 – video 17.35pm Presenting the highlights of the annual report 2016/17 17.45pm Presenting the annual accounts 2016/17 18.00pm Ask the CCG 18.15pm Close 18.30pm

NHS Northern, Eastern and Western Devon CCG Population: 900,000 Budget: £1.1 billion Membership: 116 GP practices Vision Healthy people living healthy lives, in healthy communities Locality Number of member practices In the past 12 months the following practices have merged / federated.   Northern 20 Beech House surgery merged with Hatherleigh in the Eastern Locality Warwick & Waterside practices merged to form Coombe costal Eastern 49 Western 47 Lifton Surgery merged with Tavyside St Levan Surgery  Merged with Adelaide Road surgery

Vision : what do we want for our population ? Our shared vision is to deliver health and care services that: Meet people’s needs Enable people to live well in their communities Encourage people to improve their health and wellbeing Get the best out of modern technologies and address inequalities. We want to empower people to take greater responsibility for their own health, and make sure we have the right services in place to support them with this

Our role

Our priorities for 2016/17 Health and Wellbeing of our population 85% of national indicators delivered Case for Change – taking the next steps New Model of Care development – shift towards proactive , integrated care focussed on community settings Involvement of patients and public towards the commissioning of high quality, effective and safe services Public Consultation – Your Future Care Public Engagement – Acute Services Review Patient & Public Engagement Committee assurance Continue to meet our NHS Assurance requirements (which include NHS Constitution performance targets) Directions under the Health and Social Care Act Financial Sustainability– Success Regime bringing collaborative approach across Devon Stronger Governance and leadership Collaborate with our partner organisations Devon Sustainability & Transformation Plan (STP) Collaborative working with provider organisations and Local Authorities Closer working with South Devon and Torbay CCG A safe and efficient urgent care system Integrated Urgent Care (IUC) – NHS111 & GP OOH, focus on A & E performance

Highlights and achievements Spoke to 2,000+ people as part of our ‘Your Future Care’ consultation. More care and support will be provided in people’s homes and communities Work began on turning Budleigh Salterton Hospital into a health and wellbeing hub Publication of our sustainability and transformation plan for Devon Acute services review – 100+ clinicians concluded that A&E, emergency stroke services and maternity services should continue to be provided at our four acute hospitals– subject to further assessment Innovative, free diabetes education service launched New out-of-hours GP service and 111 helpline went live £2 million extra support for pregnant women and mums with mental illness Increased amount spent on care and support for elderly/vulnerable people New non-emergency transport service launched

Our Focus for 17/18 Continuing to tackle our challenges as a whole system and deliver real transformational change in line with a Sustainability and Transformation Partnership (STP) Development of single “strategic” commissioning function for Devon led by a single chief officer Develop place-based delivery systems Support staff as the key enablers to deliver these changes Thank you to everyone for their continued commitment and hard work.

NEW Devon CCG 2016/17 Financial Plan and accounts In 2016/17, the CCG continued to focus its financial plan on recovery The CCG reported a in-year deficit of £42m and delivery of the wider STP financial plan

Financial performance 2016/17   Target (£000’s) Actual (£000’s) Difference (£’000) % Capital resource use     1,260  1,260   0   0.0 Running Costs  19,432  17,930  -1,502   -7.73

Auditors Findings 2016/17 Accounts Financial statements opinion: Unqualified - statements give a true and fair view Regularity Opinion : CCG exceeded its resource limit therefore a qualified regularity opinion Value for Money Opinion: Except for the deficit position the CCG has put in place proper arrangements to secure economy ,efficiency and effectiveness for year ended 31 March 2017. No Material Recommendations

What is the system trying to achieve Seeking agreement for system wide control total Delivered through - One System, One Plan Benefit of combined synergy – collective resource Suspend PBR and transactional nature of contracting – block for three years plus Sustainable platform for STP and future plans Well-placed to adopt same aims and principles supported by single control total

What are we trying to achieve? One System, One Plan We are creating a set of structures, process and behaviours to underpin the connected delivery of a single system plan covering the Devon Health Economy Maximise the utilisation and motivation of the people working within the health and wellbeing community Create a single delivery plan for the health and wellbeing community. Deliver safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led services across the whole of the system. Adopt a single system financial control total and apply our shared resources in the most effective and efficient way Utilise our assets such as land, buildings and information technology in an integrated manner One Plan One Standard One Budget One Workforce One Infrastructure One System, One Plan 13

Values of system working We have and will improve the system deficit by: Our effective relationships which support sustainable delivery Generating a standardised system wide service model for population of Northern, Eastern and Western Devon A platform for delivery of the transformational change needed at scale and pace over the next five years, embodying the aims and objectives of the Success Regime Moving away from ‘passing the parcel’ and allowing the cost reduction to be taken out of the system ‘One System, One Plan’ Exchanging risk for certainty If not working as a system, the overall position would be c£50m worse in 2016/17

Ask the CCG Any questions?

Closing remarks Thank you